Who did Andrew Jackson appoint as Chief Justice in 1835?
Roger. B Taney
in 1832, South Carolina wanted what tariffs to be voided by saying that the state could nullify federal laws it disagreed with?
the Tariff of Abomination
in 1830, a law was made for the relocation of Indians which was signed by Andrew Jackson. What was it called?
The Indian Removal Act
What was the movement of Natives that Andrew Jackson supported called?
Trail of Tears
Which bank was founded in 1816 and helped the nation's currency even though Andrew Jackson did not like it?
the Second Bank of the United States
What court case in 1837 used police force to be able to to inspect the health of arriving immigrants?
Mayor of New York v. Miln
What did Andrew Jackson do despite South Carolina by threatening to use this military action to enforce federal law?
the Force Bill
in 1832, Andrew Jackson vetoed to renew an institutions charter to show his disliking of a national bank.
Andrew Jackson's Bank Veto
Which present day state promised Natives money and land?
Which group of people did Andrew Jackson thought the Bank was being used as a monopoly to only benefit them?
the wealthy
Which court case in 1837 involved a legal battle between two bridge companies?
Charles River Bridge Co. v. Warren Bridge Co.
Which vice president helped write the South Carolina Exposition and Protest which said that states could nullify federal laws?
John C. Calhoun
When the Cherokees resisted forced relocation and protect their ancestral lands.
the Cherokee Resistance
Which Native leader was hated by Andrew Jackson's military in 1832 leading to the Bad Axe Massacre?
Black Hawk
What did Andrew Jackson veto in 1832 because he believed it was unconstitutional?
the Second Bank of the United States
What court case allowed the justices to form a bank owned by the state of Kentucky to issue currency in 1837?
Briscoe v. Bank of Kentucky
Andrew Jackson Jackson worked with Congress to pass a new tariff in 1833 that lowered these duties over time called what?
import duties
The argument that a state has the right to void, within its borders, a law passed by Congress is called what?
What states legislature wanted the removal of Indians in 1802 that made Andrew Jackson support the Indian Removal Act?
Andrew Jackson moved the federal government's money to what state-chartered institutions?
pet banks
What doctrine gave more power to state governments to regulate things like banks and immigration?
the states' rights
Andrew Jackson helped the tariff crisis by supporting what which lowered tariff rates over the next decade?
the Tariff of 1833
in 1871, what was the national bank to handle the government's money and strengthen the economy called?
Bank of the United States
What Supreme Court case said that Cheerokes were domestic dependent on nations in 1831?
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
Who was the National Republican candidate against Andrew Jackson?
Henry Clay