Age of Contact
Spain Conquistadors
French Explores
Spain and French Conflict
What were the goals of the Spanish conquistadors?
What is God, Gold, & Glory
. The conclusion of the Reconquista gave Spain the opportunity to A. secure its own borders against possible invasions in the future. B. look beyond its borders in pursuit of economic wealth. C. reduce the size of its military to decrease tension with Portugal. D. invest in more ships to participate in Mediterranean trade.
What is B. look beyond its borders in pursuit of economic wealth.
Álvar Núñez de Cabeza de Vaca is best known today for A. discovering Texas. B. establishing a permanent settlement in Texas. C. conquering Texas. D. exploring Texas
What is d. exploring Texas
Why was La Salle killed after he reached Texas? A. His own men had turned against him. B. He had trespassed in Spanish territory. C. He had disobeyed direct orders from his king. D. His ship was wrecked in hostile Indian territory.
What is A. His own men had turned against him.
Which of these explorers landed at Matagorda Bay while searching for the mouth of the Mississippi River?
Who is Rene-Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle
Which of the following best describes the defining characteristics of the Age of Contact era in Texas history? A Anglo and Spanish settlers established colonies in Texas. B American Indian tribes were driven out of Texas by French settlers. C Spanish explorers and French explorers both claimed land in Texas. D Spanish colonists abandoned exploration of Texas after not finding any gold
C Spanish explorers and French explorers both claimed land in Texas.
A religious war in Spain that over 500 years
What is Reconquista
What year did Pineda map the Texas Coast
What is 1519
How did the Spanish and French treat the Indians differently? A. The French sold guns to the Indians. B. The Spanish wanted to convert the Indians. C. The French wanted to settle in Indian lands. D. The Spanish wanted to trade with the Indians
What is A. the french sold guns to the Indians
As soon as the Spanish had learned about La Salle’s arrival in their territory, they set out to find the French intruders. The Spanish, however, did not know the territory they claimed to own. It took them another year before they found La Salle’s fort. They were relieved to see that the settlement was deserted. Yet the colonial government in New Spain had learned that they would need to pay more attention to their northern frontier lands if they wanted to keep them. What evidence in this passage supports the idea that the Spanish knew little about what was actually going on in Texas? A. They set out to find La Salle’s fort. B. It took them months to sail to Texas. C. They were scared of the French ships. D. It took them over a year to find La Salle’s fort
What is D. It took them over a year to find La Salle’s fort
Motivated early European explores
What is the desire for gold
Spanish Christians had finally captured Granada and completed the Reconquista. The final defeat of the Moors inspired Ferdinand and Isabella to look beyond their own borders for wealth and glory. Columbus’s plan offered a chance to gain both. He promised to find a route to China and India. Such a route could lead to tremendous riches and a chance to spread the Catholic faith. Better still, Spain’s success would come at the expense of its rival, Portugal. Based on the passage, what effect did the end of the Reconquista have on Spain? A. It inspired the country to build its own overseas empire. B. It made the country more respectful of other cultures and religions. C. It crippled the country’s economy and weakened its position in Europe. D. It gave the country confidence that it could finally conquer Portugal.
What is A. It inspired the country to build its own overseas empire.
Which of the following explorers was shipwrecked near Galveston while searching for the legendary city of El Dorado? F Robert La Salle G Hernán Cortés H Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca J Francisco Vásquez de Coronado
What is H. Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
Near the shore a wave took us, that knocked the boat out of the water the distance of the throw of a crowbar. . . . From the violence with which she struck, nearly all the people who were in her like dead, were roused to consciousness. — To this island we gave the name Malhado [Misfortune]. The people we found there are large and well formed. . . . The stay they make on the island is from October to the end of February. Their subsistence then is [a] root . . . got from under the water in November and December. They . . . take fish only in this season; afterwards they live on the roots. At the end of February, they go into other parts to seek food. —Cabeza de Vaca Who are the people that Cabeza de Vaca describes in this passage? A. French settlers B. survivors of an early Spanish expedition C. a group of American Indians D. Aztec warriors
What is C. a group of American Indians
What was Cibola and what role did it play in the early Spanish exploration of Texas?
What is Cibola was a legend about seven cities of gold that drew many Spanish explorers to Texas.
Hernando de Soto's expedition traveled across Texas and other parts of the Americas to — A take land from France B settle new territories C find gold for Spain D convert native people to Islam
What is C. Find gold for Spain
Which factor had the most negative impact on American Indian populations in the 1600s?
What is The spread of European diseases
How was Cortés able to conquer the Aztec Empire despite having only 500 or so men with him when he arrived in Mexico?
What is the conquistador had better weapon, horses, and body armor