The Queen and King of Spain
Who is King Ferdinand and Queen Isabelle?
Land or area drained by rivers
What is watershed?
90 percent of this population died of diseases
Who are Native Americans?
A social system in which human beings take complete control of others.
What is slavery?
Where the enslaved built military forts and hunted food for the Spanish
What is Spanish Florida?
Set out to find Western route to Asia
Who is Christopher Columbus
New Netherland present day is
What is New York?
Europeans developed this protection from diseases
What is immunity?
People were classified as goods with virtually no human rights. Bondage was permanent
What is chattel slavery?
Slave raiders captured what members
What is the youngest and most productive?
Italian captain made two voyages, one for Spain and one for Portugal
Who is Amerigo Vespucci?
Establish fur trading base at a point along the St. Lawrence
Who is Samuel de Champlain?
These contients were participants of the Columbian Exchange
What is Europe, Africa, South America, and North America
Mid-1400s Portuguese started to trade with these Kingdoms
What are West African kingdoms?
The slave trade between Africa and Americas lasted for
What is 400 years?
A system in which countries kept the sole right to trade with their colonies.
What is mercantilism?
Population growth in this region was slow
What is New France?
Important medicine and treatment for Malaria
What is quinine?
A three-part system of trade that connected European, Africa, and the Americas
What is the Triangular Trade?
The removal of so many Africans from their homeland to the Americas
What is the African diaspora?
Departed Spain with five ships to sail around South America and on to Asia.
Who is Ferdinand Magellan?
Native Americans believed they sold rights to share this land and The Dutch believed they had purchased exclusive rights to this land
What is the Island of Manhattan?
Biological mixing between the New World and the old World
What is the Columbian Exchange?
The long trip across the Atlantic Ocean by which enslaved Africans were brought to the Americas also known as the second leg of the Triangular Trade
What is the Middle Passage
The international slave trade ended in