Who Is That?
Vocab Terms
Where Is That?
In 1492 ____ ____ sailed the ocean blue.
Who is Christopher Columbus?
These were conquerors from Spain.
What are Conquistadors?
Tenochtitlan is now what modern-day city?
What is Mexico City?
Hernan Cortes eluded Velesquez on what modern-day country?
What is Cuba?
Incas are to Machu Picchu (Peru) as Christopher Columbus is to ______.
What is Spain?
This native Aztec woman was a translator for Hernan Cortes.
Who is Melinche?
This policy aimed towards strengthening the national economy of Europe.
What is Mercantilism?
The movie we watched in class was slightly inaccurate when Columbus sees the natives for the first time. What was wrong with the natives in the movie?
What are clothes and weapons?
When Columbus discovered the Americas during his expedition, he inadvertantly, but unknowingly discovered what?
What is South America?
Columbus was ordered to travel west by what group of people?
Who are King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella?
This man defeated the Aztec empire.
Who is Hernan Cortes?
This system, used by the conquistadors, allowed the right to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans in a particular area.
What are Encomiendas?
The social hierachy in Latin America was similar to what in Ancient India?
What is the Caste System?
This civilization was thousands of feet in the mountains of Peru. They used a complex irrigation system. What was this place called?
What is Machu Picchu?
This emperor was mislead and eventually killed by Hernan Cortes.
Who is Moctezuma?
This man made peace with natives, only to kill them during a festival that was in their honor.
Who is Nicolas de Ovando?
These were workers forced to labor for a landlord in order to pay off a debt.
Who are Peons?
The Mayans were enslaved by Columbus. Name the next several groups of people that were enslaved throughout time in North America.
Who are Native Americans, African Americans, and Latinos?
Before Columbus discovered the Americas, Europeans had to go around this trade route in order to get supplies, spices, etc., from India.
What is the Cape of Good Hope?
If any of the explorers, that were learned about in class, had not discovered the western hemisphere, what would have been the most significant difference that would have effected our culture today?
What is Religion (Christianity)?
This creature/God was thought to have been Hernan Cortes when he arrived at Tenochtitlan.
Who is Quetzalcoatl?
These were migrants born in Europe and at the top of the social hierarchy in Latin America.
What are Peninsulares?
The Aztecs and Incas were both wiped out mainly due to small pox. Who were the separate people who also caused this ethnic cleansing?
Who are Hernan Cortes (Aztecs) and Francisco Pizarro (Incas)?
Lupe de Aquirre wanted to find the "City of Gold". What is the actual name for this mythical place?
What is El Dorado?
BONUS QUESTION!!! (500 x 2) After his expedition, Cortes and _______ ended up creating a new culture in North America. The people of this culture are now know as the _______.
Who is Melinche / Mexicans?