Age of Exploration
Treaty of Tordesillas
Columbian Exchange
Guns, Germs, and Steel

When was the Age of Exploration?

What is 1400-1600s


What country gave Christopher Columbus ships and supplies to take his first voyage?

What is Spain?


Where is the Line of Demarcation?

What is 50ยบ W?


Name three items that were native to Europe that were brought to the New World.

What are horses, cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, apples, bananas, sugar, coffee, wheat, citrus fruit, oats, rice, etc?


Where did farming and domesticated animals originate?

What is the Fertile Crescent?


What is the CAUSE of the Age of Exploration?

What is the overland trade routes were impossible due to the Ottomans taking over Constantinople and the cost of goods being taxed?


What direction did Columbus travel in order to reach Asia in the east?

What is west?


When was the Treaty of Tordesillas created?

What is 1494?


Name three items that were native to the New World that were taken back to the Old World.

What is corn, tomatoes, potatoes, peanuts, squash, pumpkins, cocoa, chili peppers, turkeys, tobacco, avocados, vanilla, etc?


What is Jared Diamond's theory as to why the Europeans were more successful?

What is geography?


What was the name of the overland trade route that became too dangerous and goods were too expensive?

What is the Silk Road?


What year did Columbus first land in the New World?

What is 1492?


Who got the east side of the Line of Demarcation?

What is Portugal?


This idea was brought to the New World and forced upon the Native Americans.

What is religion or Christianity?


Explain why Europeans were immune to many diseases and the Native Americans were not.

What is exposed to the diseases by being near their animals?


Name three goods the Europeans wanted from Asia.

What is spices, silk, cotton, porcelain, gems, rugs, incense, perfume, tapestry


Where Columbus thought he had landed on his first voyage?

What is Asia, Indies, Orient?


Who got the west side of the Line of Demarcation?

What is Spain?


Europeans brought many things over to the New World, but this was the most deadly.

What is a disease, smallpox, or germs?


Besides guns or weapons what was another factor that helped the Europeans to defeat the Native Americans?

What is disease, horses, books?


What are two EFFECTS of the Age of Exploration?

What is the "discovery" of the Americas, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the size and shape of Africa, the size of the world, the Columbian Exchange, the spread of disease, 90% of Native Americans dead, the spread of Christianity, European countries gain wealth, Triangle Trade?


What was the purpose of Columbus sailing west?

What is to find a trade route to Asia?


What South American country was on Portugal's side of the line?

What is Brazil?


Three cash crops in South America which originated in the Old World.

What is sugar, coffee, or bananas?


Explains why crops, animals, germs and steel spread easier across Europe and Asia, but was difficult for items to spread from North to South America.

What is latitude with the same climate and length of day?