Who was the first European explorer to reach India by sea?

Vasco da Gama


Which country did Christopher Columbus sail for during his voyages?



What was the primary goal of the Spanish conquistadors in the Americas?

To claim land and wealth for Spain


Which explorer is associated with the first successful circumnavigation of the globe?

Ferdinand Magellan


What was the significance of the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)?

It divided the New World between Spain and Portugal


Which explorer is credited with discovering the New World in 1492?

Christopher Columbus


What were the three primary motives for European exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries?

God (spreading Christianity to heathen lands), greed (desire for wealth), glory (desire for fame)


What was the name of the vast empire that Hernán Cortés conquered in 1519?

The Aztec Empire


What role did the Portuguese play in the Age of Exploration?

a) They focused solely on establishing colonies in the Americas
b) They pioneered the sea route to India and Africa
c) They built the first colonial empire in Asia
d) They were mainly involved in inland explorations

b) They pioneered the sea route to India and Africa

 Which explorer conquered the Inca Empire in Peru?

Francisco Pizarro


What event in 1521 led to Martin Luther’s excommunication from the Catholic Church?

The Diet of Worms


Why was Pope Leo X selling indulgences in 1517?

To finance the building of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome


What role did John Tetzel play in the early Reformation?

a) He was a major Protestant reformer who challenged the Catholic Church
b) He was the Archbishop of Mainz
c) He was a Dominican friar known for selling indulgences
d) He was the Pope who opposed Martin Luther

c) He was a Dominican friar known for selling indulgences


How did Martin Luther respond to John Tetzel’s sale of indulgences?

He wrote the Ninety-Five Theses challenging the sale of indulgences


Desiderius Erasmus was critical of the Catholic Church, but unlike Luther, he did not want to break from it. What did he emphasize?

a) The importance of reform within the Church from corrupt clergy
b) The need for justification by faith alone
c) The rejection of papal authority
d) The call for the abolition of the sacraments

a) The importance of reform within the Church from corrupt clergy


Why did Henry VIII seek a divorce from Catherine of Aragon?

She was unable to produce a male heir


What was the main theological issue Henry VIII had with the Pope that led to his break from Rome?

The Pope's refusal to grant Henry VIII a divorce from Catherine of Aragon


Henry VIII’s divorce from Catherine of Aragon and subsequent marriage to Anne Boleyn triggered a significant religious shift. What was one of the major outcomes of this?

The Church of England was officially established, rejecting the authority of the Pope


Who was the Protestant child-king who ruled from 1547 to 1553?

Edward VI


Which of the following statements describes Mary I's reign?

a) She worked for religious reform within the Church of England
b) She married Philip II of Spain and tried to lead England back to Rome
c) She was a Protestant monarch who enforced reforms
d) She never married and continued the Protestant reforms started by her father  

b) She married Philip II of Spain and tried to lead England back to Rome


What was Queen Elizabeth I's approach to religious matters in England?
a) She affirmed Roman Catholicism as the official religion
b) She continued the Protestant Reformation started under Edward VI
c) She worked hard for a compromise settlement, creating the Anglican Church
d) She married to unify religious factions

c) She worked hard for a compromise settlement, creating the Anglican Church


What was the position of the Roman Catholic Church during the Council of Trent regarding Scripture and Tradition?
a) Both Scripture and Tradition, as preserved by the Church, were sources of authority
b) Only Scripture was considered authoritative
c) Only Tradition was upheld as authoritative
d) The Catholic Church rejected the authority of both Scripture and Tradition

Both Scripture and Tradition, as preserved by the Church, were sources of authority


What was the primary result of the Thirty Years' War in 1648?

The Peace of Westphalia dismantled the Holy Roman Empire and reaffirmed religious liberty as princes, for the first time, allowed both Protestants and Catholics to exist within their territories


Which doctrine emphasized that salvation was by God's grace alone, not human effort?
a) Sola Gratia
b) Sola Scriptura
c) Total Depravity
d) Unconditional Election

a) Sola Gratia


What major aspect of Roman Catholic doctrine was rejected by Luther and the Reformation?

The necessity of good works for salvation


What was the "Act of Supremacy" in England?

 A law that made the King the supreme religious authority


According to 16th century reformers, human nature is considered to be:

a) Redeemable through good works alone

b) Utterly depraved and only transformed by the grace of God

c) Capable of reform through natural reason

d) Inherently pure and untainted by the Fall

Utterly depraved and only transformed by the grace of God


What was one of the basic principles of biblical Christianity emphasized by the Reformation?

a) The Pope as the supreme authority

b) the necessity of the seven sacraments

c) Salvation through both works and faith

d) Justification by faith alone

d) Justification by faith alone


The Council of Trent rejected which Protestant belief?

a) the importance of the sacraments

b) the necessity of good works for salvation

c) Scripture alone as the sole authority

d) the veneration of saints

c) Scripture alone as the sole authority


What does the term Mariolatry refer to?

The worship of Mary as the mediator between humans and Christ