Who won the Election of 1828?
Andrew Jackson
How did Jackson end the Second Bank of the United States?
He vetoed the charter and refused to renew the license.
To cancel, void, or veto
What was Jackson’s meaning when he said “Judge Marshall has made his decision, let him enforce it.”?
Jackson would not enforce the Supreme
Court's decision.
What law did Jackson pass to open more land for white settlement?
The Indian Removal Act
Which political party did Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren begin?
The Democratic Party
What was Andrew Jackson's views on the Second Bank of the US?
Jackson thought the Bank was only favoring the wealthy.
To leave withdraw break away from
How did suffrage change in the early 1800s?
Many states removed the land owning requirement for white male voters.
Where were the Native Americans relocated to during the Trail of Tears?
Indian Territory or modern day Oklahoma
Which political party was John Q Adams representing?
The Republican Party
How did Jackson respond to the Nullification crisis?
Jackson sent the military to invade South Carolina if they tried to nullify
The practice of a successful political party, or winning president, giving government jobs its supporters.
Spoils Systems
What was the significance of the McCulloch v. Maryland Supreme Court Case?
It reinforced the idea that states could not tax the federal government.
How did the Cherokees respond to the Indian Removal Act?
They sued the state of Georgia in the Supreme Court Case Worcester v. Maryland
What was the election of 1824 called?
Corrupt Bargain
What led to the Nullification Crisis?
The Tariff of Abominations
Gaining the right to vote
What principle did Andrew Jackson violate by ignoring the Supreme Court decision?
Checks and Balances
The forced removal of tribes of Native Americans to reservations west of the Mississippi River is known as
The Trail of Tears