Election of 1824
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson CONT.

He was elected POTUS in 1824 after there was no candidate who won the majority of the electoral college votes.  The House of Representatives then voted him in as POTUS.  Some say it was because of the "corrupt bargain" made between him and Henry Clay.

John Quincy Adams


As the Democratic Republican party split leading up to the 1828 Presidential Election, this man was the candidate for the newly formed "Democratic Party."

Andrew Jackson


Andrew Jackson (Old Hickory) was popular with Americans mainly over these things. Name at least 2.

1.Self-made man (Humble Beginnings)

2. War Hero 

3.Pushed for all "citizens" to have the right to vote (Man of the People)


With no national bank, federal money went into state banks who gave loans irresponsibly, inflation resulted, both of which led to this economic depression in 1837.

The Panic of 1837


Creator of the Missouri Compromise, part of the "corrupt bargain," Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Secretary of State in John Quincy Adams' cabinet. 

Henry Clay


He held a plurality of the popular vote as well as the most electoral votes (but not over half) in the Presidential Election of 1824, but the House of Representatives voted for someone else to be POTUS.

Andrew Jackson


This bill, written by Congress and signed into law by President Jackson during the beginnings of his presidency, upset Southern states who believed it only benefited Northern manufacturing states.

Tariff Law of 1828 or the "Tariff of Abominations"


The first major policy Congress and President Jackson enacted regarding Native Americans.

Indian Removal Act


Although not of his policies, this President (and Jackson's former VP), gets blamed for the Panic of 1837.

Martin Van Buren


The Specie Circular declared that only this could be used to purchase western lands?

What is gold/silver?


The Constitution grants this body the responsibility to vote for POTUS if no candidate wins over half of the electoral votes.

House of Representatives


The Tariff Law of 1828 (Tariff of Abominations) upset Southerners mainly due to these reasons. Name one.

1.Taxing European businesses would hurt Southern trade with Europeans

2.Higher prices for European goods

3.Only benefited Northern states


The Trail of Tears was the forced migration journey of this Native American nation to the Indian Territory.



President Martin Van Buren's nickname.  (Name one)

Martin Van "Ruin"     The Little Magician

                Old Kinderhook (OK)


This scandalous event led to the rise of Martin Van Buren as a political player and the demise of John C. Calhoun as a nationally popular figure, becoming just a sectional states' rights player.

What is the Eaton Affair?


It is rumored that John Quincy Adams made this "bargain" with Henry Clay to win the Presidential Election of 1824.  

"corrupt bargain"


In reaction to the tariff laws enacted by President Jackson and Congress, some southern states wanted to do this, which means to cancel federal laws that states deem not in their state's best interest.

Nullify the law.


This tribe fought against Indian Removal by waging a two-year guerilla war against the US in Florida.

Who are the Seminole?


This Whig Party member was elected president after Martin Van Buren but his presidency lasted just 32 days. Um...it's winter time...wear a coat!

William Henry Harrison


Andrew Jackson's victory over the Creek Indians in this battle of the War of 1812 helped cement his legacy of toughness.

What is Horseshoe Bend?


Due to President John Quincy Adams's attempts for the federal government to fund various projects, many Democratic-Republicans stopped supporting Adams.

As a result, there was a split in the Democratic-Republican Party, and two political parties emerged.  Name one of those parties.

National Republicans and Democrats


Due to the tariff laws, South Carolina threatened to do this from the Union, which means break apart.

Secede from the Union


Although a popular move and one that would help him get re-elected, President Jackson vetoed the 2nd National Bank's charter because of what?  Name at least one reason.

1.Thought a national bank was unconstitutional

2.Disliked the bank president, Nicholas Biddle.

3.Thought the bank made loans difficult to obtain for farmers, and thus unfair for all Americans. 

4.Didn't like private bankers running the bank--thought it was corrupt


This vice president of William Henry Harrison took over as POTUS upon Harrison's death, but was not well liked by members of the Whig party (as he was a former Democrat), which led to him serving only the remainder of Harrison's term as president.

John Tyler


William Henry Harrison was elected the first president of this new political party, formed in opposition to Andrew Jackson

What is the Whig Party?