American Revolution
French Revolution
French Revolution 2
Latin American Revolutions
The time period when society becomes concerned with changing their relationship with their governments, using their ability to reason.
What is the enlightenment?

The two powers at war?

Who are the American colonists and Great Britain?


This staple food of the French diet, became too expensive.

What is bread?


New execution device used heavily during the French revolution.

What is the guillotine? 

The goal of the Latin American Revolutions was most similar to this other revolution we studied.
What is the American Revolution?
The concept that people are born with rights such as life, liberty, and property.
What are natural rights?

Any two causes for war. 

What is war debt, high taxes, lack of representation in government, negligent King, the Boston Massacre, Intolerable Acts, the Declaration of Independence, formation of the Continental Congress?


This political cause was unfair, because the third estate made up most of the population.

What is one vote per estate?


The third estate breaks away from normal French regime and forms this group.

What is the National Assembly?


These are the two objectives or goals of the Haitian Revolution.

What is ending slavery and gaining independence from European colonizers.

Evidence of natural rights, Montesquieu's belief in the separation of powers, and concepts such as Rousseau's social contract and majority rule, can be seen in these two important revolutionary documents.
What are the Declaration of Independence and Declaration of the Rights of Man?

Framework for the United States government following the American Revolution.

What is the Constitution?


The unfair social class system of France, where the wealthiest enjoyed all of the privileges and the poorest people paid all of the taxes.

Who are the Three Estates?


Civil code that establishes political laws and societal norms.

What is the Napoleonic Code?

A cause for the revolution (1 of 3). 

Unshared political power between Spain and the colonies, exploitation, and racism. 


The group held responsible for spreading Enlightenment ideas throughout Europe and beyond.

Who are the bourgeoisie?


Military leader for the American colonists.

Who is George Washington?


The people of France began the revolution partly due to their awareness of new ideas.

What are enlightenment idea's?


This event started the French Revolution in July of 1789 when French peasants went looking for weapons at a prison.

What is Storming of the Bastille?


These two individuals were responsible for freeing some Latin American colonies and Haiti.

Who is Toussaint L'Ouverture and Simon Bolivar?

He believed that all people were born with certain rights and that governments had a responsibility to protect those rights. In addition, he stated that if governments are not protecting those rights, individuals should overthrow or abolish that government and create a new one.
Who is John Locke?

Objective of the Second Continental Congress.

What is forming an army?


An effect of the French Revolution (1 of 3).

Abolishing the monarchy, executing King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, limiting the power of the church.


The Jacobins, led by Robespierre, carried out the most destructive period of the revolution with frequent use of the guillotine.

What is the Reign of Terror?


Name the parts of the Latin American social structure prior to the revolutions.

What are the peninsulares, creoles, mestizos/mulattoes, natives, and africans.