Jefferson wrote a Declaration of Independence on what day? (month, day, and year)
July 4, 1776
What was the social hierarchy in France, and how much of the population made up each level (percentage)?
The Estate System
First estate (1%), Second Estate (2%), Third Estate (97%)
The Enlightenment is also known as the age of ______
What is economics?
The science of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. (Basically: How a country or nation makes stuff, sells stuff, and gets stuff to its people.)
What key figure from this unit gained control over France by overthrowing the government?
In 1799, Napoleon orchestrated a coup d'état, overthrowing the Directory government and establishing himself as the First Consul
Name THREE reasons the English colonists wanted to break away from England?
Stamp Act- Parliament began placing taxes on the colonists without asking them (no representation in parliament)
Quartering Act-Soldiers in homes
Indian Proclamation Line of 1763-Colonists couldn’t move east of the Appalachian mountains. Prevented wars with Indians.
The Boston Massacre (1770)
(answers may vary...Ms. Boyle decides if correct)
How did King Louis and Marie Antoinette effect France? Give a specific example
Caused major problems because of the extravagant spending of Louis XVI and his queen, Marie Antoinette.
Palace of Versailles
This thinker believed that people had rights that they were naturally born with that couldn’t be taken away like life and liberty.
John Locke
The Industrial Revolution shifted the production of goods by hand to being what?
Machine made/mass produced
King Louis XVI was executed by what?
King Louis XVI was executed by guillotine on January 21, 1793.
_______ would have supported the American revolution because he believed that if the government is not for the people, you should revolt. (think enlightenment)
John Locke
What issues did the Third Estate have with King Louis and their representation in the government?
Had to pay most of the taxes
Did not have much say in the estates general.
They had the highest population but little votes
(etc. answers may vary)
_____________ believed that the only good government was one that was freely formed by the people and guided by the “general will” of society…
Jean Jaques Rousseau
Karl Marx wrote a manifesto about which economic ideology?
This era included an emphasis on abstract reasoning as well as an understanding of how natural world works through research. Which era is this?
The Scientific Revolution
Which Enlightenment thinker had ideas about separation of powers and checks and balances that eventually became the basis for the United States Constitution??
Baron de Montesquieu
What event was said to have sparked the french revolution?
The Storming of the Bastille (Paris Prison)
This thinker believed that the people should give absolute rulers absolute power and receive an orderly society in return. Meaning: They had less rights
Thomas Hobbes
Who created the Steam Engine?
James Watt
Define: Enlightened Despot
Absolute rulers who tried to use the ideas of the Enlightenment Philosophers in their kingdoms and become more tolerant
What treaty recognized that the colonists had won the revolutionary war and were now independent?
Treaty of Paris
To decide on taxation of the different estates, a meeting was called. On the day of the vote, the National Assembly(3rd Estate) arrived to find themselves locked out of the meeting hall. What happened after that
They met on a nearby Tennis Court and swore an Oath:
To end the absolute monarchy
To write a Declaration and Constitution for the French people.
Known as the “Tennis Court Oath”
What is Voltaires famous quotes about speech?
“I do not agree with a word you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.”
Name THREE negatives of the Industrial revolution
Overcrowding in cities (Tenement Houses, poor sanitation )
Poor working conditions (low wages, long hours, no safety requirements)
Use of child labor
What are the three different economic systems we talked about in class?