Let's Start A Riot, A Riot!!!
French Monarchs
Wild Card - American Revolution
Wild Card - French Revolution
What was the Great Fear?
Rumors had spread that the nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize peasants, it exploded into action when peasants became outlaws themselves and broke into nobles' homes
How many rooms does the palace of Versailles have?
At what age did Louis XVI marry Marie Antoinette?
15 years old
Aid from what country was essential to the colonists winning the American Revolution?
What was Marie Antoinette's native language?
In the wake of the Great Fear, what did Louis XVI's advisers suggest that he do? Did he listen?
They suggested that the flee to another country like Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, or Germany. He refused to leave France or to abdicate (give up) the throne.
How far away is Versailles from Paris?
12 miles
Why did Louis XV die a hated man?
He was unsuccessful at enacting reforms, lacked leadership skills and drive, had a stubborn personality, and made bad political moves that damaged foreign relations
What was the purpose of the Intolerable Acts law?
To punish the colonists, especially those in Boston, for acting out against the British
Louis XVI hated his kingly duties. What activities did he prefer instead?
Hunting and locksmithing
What happened to the governor of the Bastille?
He was dragged through the streets, beat up, and decapitated with a pen knife
Why did a crowd march on Versailles?
They were angry about food shortages; a rumor had spread that Marie Antoinette had a giant stash of grain hidden away
Who said this quote: "Oh God, protect us! We are too young to rule!” ? How old were they?
Louis XVI, 20 years old
Upon arriving to America, Thomas Paine had a note from BLANK in his pocket, which probably saved his life.
Benjamin Franklin
What people were in each of the three Estates?
First Estate: Clergy Second Estate: Nobles Third Estate: Merchants, workers, and peasants
How were the storming of the Bastille and the March on Versailles similar?
Both events began with peaceful negotiations, but ended violently when rowdy groups got in through side entrances
What group of people made of the majority of those who marched on Versailles? Why?
Women - they were responsible for feeding their families and were most affected by the grain shortages
Who said this quote: "I put on my rouge and wash my hands in front of the whole world," ? What were they referring to?
Marie Antoinette; she was referring to the fact that she was always being watched and waited on
What man indirectly "started" both the French and Indian War and the American Revolution?
George Washington
What events led to the grain shortages in France?
Natural disasters like drought, flooding, frost, and hail all contributed towards bad harvests
How were Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and their children affected by the March on Versailles?
Louis XVI "agreed" to go to Paris to be closer to the people, but they were actually taken as hostages
Marie Antoinette loved gambling. According to your textbook, how much money did she lose from gambling in one year?
$1.5 million
What was the Declaratory Act?
Allowed Parliament to reaffirm its authority by passing any colonial legislation it saw fit
Which Estate approved of Enlightenment ideas the most? Why?
The Third Estate - they had always been disadvantaged; Enlightenment ideas stated that they deserved rights like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and getting a say in their government