what is a basic definition of agenda setting
What is: the media's ability to influence the public agenda by highlighting certain issues, thus making them more prominent in public consciousness.
What is pseudo environment
Media projects certain ideas of the world which create a pseudo (fake) environment (Miller).
what social media platform did the research use
Who first presented the idea of agenda setting
Who is: Walter Lippmann
what is Cognitive Paradigm
How media consumption shapes cognition, decision-making, and the interpretation of reality.
A change from telling people what to think → telling them what to think about (Miller).
what was the overal impact of the research
The treatment group maintained higher issue importance and showed stronger agenda-setting effects than the control group, who exhibited greater attention decay.
what did Walter Lippmann emphasize about agenda setting
Media-created "pictures" of reality are distorted reflections, not direct representations.
what gatekeeping
Gatekeepers decide which stories to cover and which to ignore based on perceived importance.
what was the research trying to test
Do less interested subjects exhibit agenda-setting effects?
what was the first test done from Lippmann's ideas (hint: this was talked about in class and is related to an election)
Chapel Hill Study
what is priming
Priming occurs when media emphasizes specific attributes or characteristics of issues or candidates, causing news consumers to be "primed" to associate certain traits with candidates or issues.
the researcher argued that political agenda setting can be seen in social media through what communication model
two step communication