Agribusiness Unit 1
Agribusiness Unit 1
Agribusiness Unit 1


What is the manufacture and distribution of farm supplies to production agriculturalists, as well as the storage, processing, marketing, transporting, and distribution of agricultural materials and consumer products produced by farmers?

Simplified, it is Business Related to Agriculture


Exports definition

What are Commodities shipped out of the country such as Grains, tobacco, cotton, vegetables


Agribusiness input sector involves 

what are resources used in producing farm commodities. 


the four components of Agribusiness

What are Selling products to farmers (e.g., seeds, fertilizers, machinery), Providing services to agricultural businesses, Marketing and transportation of agricultural products and, Processing and distribution of farm produce


GDP stands for 

What is Gross Domestic Product


Agribusiness output sector involves

What are commodities between production and consumer:

• Activities: Transporting, selling, storing, inspecting


Inputs definition

What are resources used in production?

GDP definition

What is the value of all goods and services produced in a year in a country or region?

Agriservices sector involves 

What is Researching new production and marketing methods, Protecting food producers and, Providing specialized services to agriculture


Outputs definition

What are results of the production process?

Value added Products definition

What are products that are created from raw product to increase the value?

This type of Agriservice deals with services at federal, state, and local levels:

• Focus areas: Education, research, communication, regulation

• Examples: USDA, FDA, Department of Commerce

What are PUBLIC agriservices?


Imports definition

What are Agricultural products brought into the U.S. from other countries to meet demand and provide variety?


4 sectors of agribusiness

What are 

  1. Agribusiness input sector

  2. Agribusiness output sector

  3. Public agriservices

  4. Private agriservices


This type of Agriservice are not governed by federal, state, or local authorities:

Three main areas: Financial services, trade associations, agricultural cooperatives

Examples: Farm Service Agency, American Seed Trade Association

What are Private agriservices?