Domesticated Animals
First Crops
Sophisticated Stone Tools
Birth of Cities

Aka farming. Includes growing and harvesting crops, and raising livestock (animals) for food.

What is agriculture?



What are the first domesticated animal?


Barley and wheat

What are the first domesticated crops?


This ancient art form was also a technological advancement, enabling the storage of items like olive oil and water.

What is pottery?


Random: Zuko

What is the name of Ms. Crawford's dog?


More than enough food for everyone

What is surplus


Dogs, turkeys, llamas, guinea pigs

What are domesticated animals in Latin America


When there were no longer enough food and plants in an area, people needed to move to a new location.

What are causes of farming to begin?


Neolithic people used this tool for clearing fields, crafting, making plaster from limestone, and eventually melting metals for tools.

What is fire?


This system of beliefs where people believe in and worship different gods developed during the Agricultural Revolution.

What is religion?


To bring under the control of and make usable by humans. Applies to both animals and plants.

What is domesticate?


These animals were probably easy to domesticate because of their small size, their tameness, and their plant-based diet.

What are sheep and goats?


This practice by early farmers allowed them to maintain a steady food supply and improve crop quality by selecting the best seeds for future planting.

What is storing crops and seeds?


Clearing grain fields, pounding and grinding grain, butchering meats and cleaning hides

What are uses for new farming tools?


This system emerged during the agricultural revolution, giving individuals rank and power based on their social class.

What is the development of social classes?


The Neolithic Revolution 

What is another name for the Agricultural Revolution?


Food, milk, manure, labor, hides

What are things domesticated cattle are used for?


These people noticed patterns in wild plant growth and learned to grow them, leading to a shift in early human societies where they focused on agriculture while men continued to hunt

Who were women in early human societies?


The creation of looms and the weaving of flax into clothing marked the expansion of this ancient craft during the Agricultural Revolution.

What is weaving?


The domestication of animals and plants allowed humans to grow more grain with less effort, freeing some people to take on different jobs.

What is the cause of the creation of cities?


A time in history where humans switched from hunting and gathering for food to farming

What is the Agricultural Revolution?


Allowed less people to work on a farm and enabled people to get other jobs

What are effects of the domestication of animals?


By selecting seeds from the biggest and best-tasting plants, early farmers engaged in this process, which involved taming wild plants for cultivation.

What is the domestication of plants?


Toolmaking advanced most quickly in places with large populations and a steady food supply.

What is a cause for new tools and technology?


This structure, defined as an organized system of leadership and rules for managing a community or society, began to form during the agricultural revolution.

What is government?