What's the first civilization to practice Agronomy
Modern day Turkey, Middle East
A plant or plant product that can be grown and harvested for profit or subsistence
This is made from wheat and is one of the most common household ingredients
A device that allows easy automation for tractors, sprayers, combines, etc...
GPS Technology
The region that houses New Mexico and Arizona
The father of Agronomy
Who is Pietro de'Crecenzi
The study of field crops like wheat, barley, rye, legumes, corn, etc...
This popular Thanksgiving food is made with a common North American staple crop.
A device to study the weather
Weather Tracking
A portion of North Africa is known for the first civilizations, named for the soil good for growing crops and farming.
the Fertile Cresent.
What is agronomy
Plants grown specifically for production of textiles (jute, cotton, hemp, flax)
Fiber Crops
This crop is likely one of the main materials in the clothes you are wearing right now.
A farming practice introduced in 1999 by Dickson Despommier
Indoor Vertical Farming
The region that houses Alabama and West Virginia
Farmers in Mesopotamia switched to this tolerant grain due to salt-filled ground water
A chemical compound or biological agent used to increase the efficiency and bioavailability of Nitrogen fertilizers.
Considered a staple food, this has more than 100 varieties around the world.
Eli Whitney created this machine for more efficiency in short staple cotton harvesting
The Cotton Gin
Pacific Northwest
Agriculture had what impact on history
What is ample food production
The action of fertilizing through irrigation systems
Popular in Asian countries, this flavorless sponge is made from soybeans.
A device that flies which tracks and monitors crop growth
Drones and Remote Sensing
The region where Georgia and Florida are housed
Southeastern US