Super Old Documents
Reconstruction/Westward Expansion
Gilded Progress
World Wars
Super Depressing

The Supreme Law of the Land

What is Constitution


The period after the American Civil War is referred to as what?

What is Reconstruction

Many people moved from the rural country to the cities at the end of the 19th century, beginning of 20th, this can be described as

What is Urbanization


This message from Germany was intercepted by the Great Britain that encouraged Mexico to invade the United States during WWI

What is the Zimmerman Note


The stock market crash of 1929 sparked this global crisis that would last until World War 2

What is the Great Depression


First 10 Amendments to the Constitution are referred to as what?

What is the Bill of Rights


The term used for forcing American ways on Native American people

What is Assimilation

Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, and Carnegie were all men known for their contributions to Modern America, but also for underpaying their employees. These men are referred to as both captains of industry and what?

What are Robber Barons


The foreign policy taken by the United following the Spanish American War and World War I 

What is Isolationism


This president during the Great Depression encouraged the private sources to supply aid for the needy and limited government interference. 

Who is Herbert Hoover


This document was written by Thomas Jefferson and got its inspiration of Enlightenment thinkers

What is the Declaration of Independence


A method used my white southern officials to keep former slaves from voting

What is a Literacy Test or Poll Tax


The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, is an example of this type of journalism that was popular during the Gilded Age and Progressive Era

What is Muckraking

President Woodrow Wilson created this world treaty organization that Congress would not approve the U.S. to join following WWI

What is the League of Nations


This Amendment legalized the prohibition of alcohol

What is the 18th Amendment


Set the president for how a state enters the Union.

What is the Northwest Ordinance


Laws passed in the south during Reconstruction to keep the south Segregated

What are Jim Crow Laws


Theodore Roosevelt created this domestic policy that focuses on consumer protection, control of big businesses, and conservation

What is the Square Deal


Intent on keeping the U.S. out of WW2 these congressional actions prevented the sale of weapons to waring nations

What are the Neutrality Acts


President Franklin Roosevelt created this domestic policy of increased government interference to kick start the American economy during the Great Depression

What is the New Deal


Alexander Hamilton wrote many papers in this document, arguing for the creation of a new Constitution because of the failures of the Articles of Confederation

What are The Federalist Papers


Congressional Act that split up Native American reservations and gave the land to other settlers

What is the Dawes Act


During the Spanish-American War, America used this policy to gain commercial access to China.

What is the Open Door Policy

The large movement of African Americans from the south to the north who were in search for jobs during both world wars

What is the Great Migration


This decreased after the Stock Market crash in 1929 causing many business to close and increased unemployment

What is Consumer Confidence