inflammatory condition of the bladder often caused by bacterial infection/UTI
known cancer carcinogens
environmental: sun exposure, UV radiation
chemical: tobacco use, pesticides
viral infections
progressive deterioration and loss of cartilage in one or more joints
joints become painful and stiff
more common in obesity than not
The Autonomic Nervous System is divided into
sympathetic (fight or flight)
parasympathetic (rest & digest)
chronic disease of cellular regulation; bone loss causes significant decrease in density & possible fracture
common in women; increase calcium & vitamin D
hallmark UTI symptoms
frequency, dysuria, urgency
may also have flank pain, fever, chills, cloudy/foul urine
what are the different types of surgery for cancer management
body's inflammatory response to large amounts of uric acid in the blood; body has problem processing purine
What are some age related neurologic changes?
slower information processing time
memory loss issues
decreased sensory perception of touch & pain
altered balance and coordination
change in sleep patterns
creatinine kinase is often elevated in osteoporosis and concerns us for the development of
inflammation & injury to glomerulus - part of kidney that filter blood
usually infectious causes
associated with high BP, progressive kidney damage, edema
seeds, ribbons, or capsules inserted in patients body to be in direct contact with tumor
patient is considered radioactive and patient/their secretions must be treated with caution
chronic, progressive, systemic inflammatory autoimmune process; affects primarily synovial joints
healthy tissue is attacked
remissions & exacerbations
Rheumatoid Arthritis
What stage of Alzheimers?
unable to handle finances, disoriented to time/place/event, speech/language deficits, psychotic behavior (hallucinations, paranoia)
Moderate Stage
loss of bone related to lack of vitamin D; bone softening
kidney enlarges as urine collects in renal pelvis & kidney tissue
caused by outflow problem or obstruction
Radiation side effects
dermatitis, altered taste, hair loss, fatigue, bone marrow suppression
chronic and progressive autoimmune disorder in which inflammatory and immune attacks occur against multiple self tissues and organs
slow onset, butterfly rash, avoid direct sunlight
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
What occurs in stage 2 of Parkinson's
bilateral limb involvement
masklike face
slow, shuffling gait
What are these fracture types:
open (compound)
complete: break across entire width of bone
displaced: bone alignment is altered
open (compound): bone goes through the skin
stress: from excessive strain; common in athletes
Signs/Symptoms of glomerulonephritis
RBCs and protein in urine
edema - esp of hands, face, eyelids
crackles in lungs
serum albumin & GFR decreased; Creatinine and BUN increased
Chemo Side Effects
neutropenia (low WBCs)
thrombocytopenia (low platelets)
bone marrow suppression
nausea and vomiting
mucositis (sores in mucous membranes)
alopecia (hair loss)
change in cognitive function (chemo brain)
peripheral neuropathy
chronic pain syndrome – generalized nerve pain disorder
develop pain, stiffness, tenderness along back, neck, upper arms, chest, trunk
pain is described as burning, gnawing pain; increased muscle tenderness
What are some interventions for Alzheimers
may need locks/alarms on windows & doors
maintain normalcy & structure
identification bracelet
eliminate/secure safety hazards
respite care is an option for caregivers
in this condition there is increased pressure that reduces circulation to the limb; everything swells inside the muscle
fasciotomy helps relieve
compartment syndrome