What is it called when the affirmative is explaining how their plan will work?
What side of the argument starts a debate and chooses the topic?
What is the first speech of an affirmative, in full words?
What is the first speech given by the negative team, where they respond to the affirmative’s case?
If I have 5 apples, and my friend steals 4 of my apples, and the friend of my friend steals 2 of my friends apples, and then the friend of the friend eats the two apples, and then I eat my remaining apples, how many apples did I eat?
1 apple
What is it called when the negative explains why the affirmative's plan will not work?
How long are constructive speeches?
8 minutes
What are the four affirmative speeches in a standard policy debate?
1AC, 2AC, 1AR, and 2AR
What is the plan that the negative uses, if any?
A counterplan.
How many bones are in the human body?
Which two speeches are jointly referred to as the “negative block?”
2NC and 1NR
How many people represent each side in a debate round?
What are the 3 issues that an affirmative team must typically address in a policy debate?
Plan, Inherency, and Solvency
What is the objective of the negative side of a debate?
The point of the negative is to prove that the affirmatives plan is inefficient.
Name 5 Kardashians siblings (Including Jenners)
Kim, Kendall, Kylie, Rob, and Khloe Kardashian
What is a fiat?
A fiat is debating whether the resolution should be adopted, rather than if it actually would.
What are the four levels of WUDL debate, in order?
Rookie, Novice, Junior Varsity, Varsity
Which part of the affirmative case explains the shortcomings of the status quo and why change is necessary?
If the negative team argues that the affirmative plan is unnecessary because the current system is already solving the issue, what type of argument are they making?
Inherency Argument (or "No Inherency")
What is the name of the Chinese app that people moved to when TikTok got banned on January 19th?
What is a permutation?
An argument offered by the affirmative side of a debate that demonstrates the reason why a counterplan is non-competitive; it suggests a specific way that the plan and counterplan can be desirably combined in order to avoid the negative disadvantage.
What does impact calculus consist of?
Magnitude, probability, and timeframe
Name at least 5 of the current affirmatives in the WUDL open resource page?
Deepfakes, SCOTUS, Content Creation, HeLa, Pharmaceuticals, etc.
What is a net benefit?
What makes the counterplan preferable to the plan.
In 1903, which scientist became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and later became the first person to win two Nobel Prizes in different scientific fields?
Marie Curie