Give 3 examples of practice work.
-Exit Tickets
-Practice Problems
-Written Responses
-Learning Activities
Who should call or e-mail the Attendance Office before 8:30 AM each day that the student is absent or provide a note from home?
Parent or guardian
When a student is in the hall during class time, what should they have?
A pass
Athletic activities are open to boys and girls, and every student is encouraged to take part. It is important that students keep their grades up during their sport's season. How often are student athlete's grades checked during their season?
How many credits are needed to graduate?
23.5 Credits
Chapter/ Unit tests, final projects, and final tests are examples of what category of grading?
The attendance office
What grades are allowed to eat lunch off campus (leave school during their lunch period)?
ONLY grades 11 and 12
If a student athlete is failing 2 or more classes, they are not eligible to participate in what until they have one failing grade or less?
Games/ Competition
How many Elective Course credits do you need?
6 Credits
What are 3 potential consequences of Academic Dishonesty?
-Discipline referral
-Parent contact by the teacher
- Redo the assignment/ assessment
-Receive a zero for the assignment/assessment
When would a student be given a "tardy"?
A student who arrives to class within 5 minutes after the bell will be considered tardy for that period.
Each student is given an ID card with their picture on it. List 3 things you need your ID for.
-identifies AHS students
-bus pass
-lunch card
-event pass
-library card
When can electronic devices (cellphones) be used during the school day?
Passing time or lunch
How many credits of Physical Education do you need?
1 Credit
Academic Dishonesty (cheating)= Presenting, as your own work, material that is not a true or valid representation of your own ideas or helping others do the same.
What are 3 forms of Academic Dishonesty?
-Working with other student(s) on an assessment (without teacher permission)
-Copying another person's work/practice
-Copying form a published work
-Knowingly allowing others to copy your work
-False score reporting
When would an absence be considered and "unexcused absence"?
Without a note, phone call, or e-mail form a parent or guardian, an absence will be unexcused.
If a student would like a locker, they will need to speak to whom?
The attendance secretary in the high school office.
If your parent or guardian does not speak English and would like help in their native language, who can they call?
Success Coaches
Post Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO), is an option for students to take a college course in place of the high school course and receive both college and high school credit for the class. Most students who take PSEO classes are in 11th or 12th grade. However, a 10th grader may take one career/ technical course. To see if a student meets the requirements, they need to take what test?
There are 2 grading categories: Summative and Performance Assessments (tests) and Practice Work.
What percentage of your grade are assessments worth? What percentage of your grade is practice work worth?
Assessments= 70%
Practice Work= 30%
What are the consequences of excessive absences?
Excessive absences will be reviewed on a regular basis and may result in a truancy petition and mandatory court appearance for the student and parent/guardian.
The IMC (or sometimes called the Media Center) is open Monday- Friday from 8:15 to 3:40. What are 3 things you can find or do in the Media Center?
-Check out a book
-Visit the Tech Cafe for help with your computer
-Take a brain break
School lockers are the property of the school district, which means they can be for any reason at any time.
How many credits is this class, Packer Profile Seminar, worth?
1 Credit