Very powerful, forceful, effective, or strong.
What is potent?
The period during which two people get to know one another prior to making a romantic commitment or possibly becoming engaged to marry.
What is courtship?
Happening unexpectedly early, or at a time which is unfortunate or not suitable.
What is untimely?
To become weaker, lose solidity, or be destroyed by breaking into smaller pieces.
What is disintegrate?
To reach the highest point, climax, or final stage of development.
What is to culminate?
Angry and dissatisfied because circumstances are not as one desires them to be.
What is disgruntled?
To express great pleasure at one’s own success or good luck, as well as a satisfaction at the misfortune or bad luck of others.
What is gloat?
Something regarded with hate and disgust.
Derived from a Latin root word meaning “something one shuns as an ill omen.”
What is an abomination?
Intended to punish someone or something.
What is punitive?
Characterized by bold opposition or antagonism. Proudly or aggressively refusing to obey authority.
What is defiant?
Marked by precise expression without extra or unnecessary words. Said in a manner that is clear but short.
What is succinct?
An act or event done purely for show that is clearly false. A deception that fails to fool anyone.
What is a charade?
Having no equal or match. Better, greater, or more exceptional than any other.
What is unparalleled?
A bodily position in which someone lies in a curved shape with legs and arms close to the body.
What is the fetal position?
Relevant or important to the topic being considered.
What is germane?