How long is Paper 1?
2 hours and 15 minutes
What is Question 1a asking you to do?
Form switching- use the content of the text provided to you to write a piece in a different genre.
What is Question 2 asking you to do?
Text Analysis- read a text and analyze it for form, structure, and language.
What does language refer to?
The words that make the text unique or contributes to the voice of the writer, the mood or tone of the piece, or specifically affects the audience.
Examples: Diction, imagery, rhetorical devices, literary devices, etc.
What type of text is the original passage in the prompt below?
Read the following text, which is the opening of a chapter from Waterlog, an autobiographical book by Roger Deakin, a British film-maker, environmentalist and author.
(a) Imagine you are the writer’s Uncle Laddie. You write a diary entry recording your thoughts and feelings after one of your early-morning swims in Kenilworth with Roger. Write the text for your diary entry. Use 150–200 words.
(b)Compare your diary entry with the autobiographical extract, analyzing form, structure and language.
Opening chapter of an autobiographical book.
There are two questions on Paper 1. How many parts will you have to respond to in total?
Three: Question 1a, Question 1b, and Question 2.
What is the word count for Question 1a?
150-200 words
What is the word count for Question 2?
600-900 words
What does genre refer to?
The different types of texts.
Examples: advertisement, blog, letter, leaflet, etc.
What perspective are you being asked to write from in the prompt below?
Read the following text, which is the opening of a chapter from Waterlog, an autobiographical book by Roger Deakin, a British film-maker, environmentalist and author.
(a) Imagine you are the writer’s Uncle Laddie. You write a diary entry recording your thoughts and feelings after one of your early-morning swims in Kenilworth with Roger. Write the text for your diary entry. Use 150–200 words.
(b)Compare your diary entry with the autobiographical extract, analyzing form, structure and language.
You are writing from the perspective of Roger Deakin's Uncle Laddie.
On exam day, what time should you be in your seat?
8:30 AM
What is Question 1b asking you to do?
Comparative Analysis- compare your response for Question 1a with the original text.
What three things should you focus on when analyzing the original text?
Form, structure, and language.
What does structure refer to?
It is how the text is organized and ordered.
Examples: Mood shifts, tone shifts, point of view, verb tense, syntax, etc.
What is the focus of the original passage in the prompt below?
Read the following text, which is the opening of a chapter from Waterlog, an autobiographical book by Roger Deakin, a British film-maker, environmentalist and author.
(a) Imagine you are the writer’s Uncle Laddie. You write a diary entry recording your thoughts and feelings after one of your early-morning swims in Kenilworth with Roger. Write the text for your diary entry. Use 150–200 words.
(b)Compare your diary entry with the autobiographical extract, analyzing form, structure and language.
The original passage is about Roger Deakin's life written by him.
What day is the Paper 1 Exam?
Wednesday, April 30th
What is the word count for Question 1b?
400-600 words
What is one piece of advice from the AICE Cheat Sheet on how to attack Question 2?
Spend time annotating for form, structure, & language.
Plan first.
Begin with a general overview that lays out the style, audience & purpose of the text.
Identify features of form, structure & language within the text.
Use textual evidence any time you address a feature.
What does form refer to?
Anything that makes the text whatever genre it is.
Examples: Titles, headings, pictures, paragraphs, etc.
What is the purpose of the text you are being asked to write in the prompt below?
Read the following text, which is the opening of a chapter from Waterlog, an autobiographical book by Roger Deakin, a British film-maker, environmentalist and author.
(a) Imagine you are the writer’s Uncle Laddie. You write a diary entry recording your thoughts and feelings after one of your early-morning swims in Kenilworth with Roger. Write the text for your diary entry. Use 150–200 words.
(b)Compare your diary entry with the autobiographical extract, analyzing form, structure and language.
The purpose is to write a diary entry recording your thoughts and feelings after one of your early-morning swims in Kenilworth with Roger.