What are the five main oceans?
The Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern oceans.
What do we call the systematic approach used by
scientists to investigate the natural world?
Scientific method
This is what we call the average measurement of the number of people in a given area.
Population density
What do we call various ecological communities or ecosystem types?
What is the purpose of the IWC?
The purpose of the International Whaling Commission is the management and conservation of whale species around the world.
What do we call meeting the
needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their needs?
What do we call a detectable change in global temperatures?
Climate change or global warming.
What are the three age group categories of dependency?
Youth dependents (0 - 14), economically active OR working-age (15 - 64), and old age dependents (65+).
What are the four major terrestrial biome classes?
Forest, Grassland, Desert, Tundra
What is the purpose of the ITTO?
The purpose of the International Tropical Timber Organisation is to develop international policy guidelines to encourage sustainable forest management and sustainable tropical timber harvest and trade.
Name the four layers of the atmosphere.
Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere.
What do we call a person who doubts or does not believe in a concept or hypothesis?
Sceptic (Br. spelling), or skeptic (US spelling).
What do we call government policies promoting childbirth?
Pronatalist policies.
What is primary ecological succession?
The process that occurs when newly formed or newly exposed land with no species present is gradually colonized.
What does EDGE stand for when referring to the EDGE species programme?
Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered
What do we call algae found in the upper parts of the ocean?
Sampling technique where points of sampling are selected by chance rather than choice.
Random sampling
What do we call the study of how populations change in size and structure over time?
Population dynamics
What are the pioneer species most closely associated with secondary ecological succession?
Grasses and fast-growing plants (like weeds) and shrubs.
What is the purpose of the EU CFP?
The purpose of the European Union Common Fisheries Policy is to set the rules for fishing fleets in European Union waters.
Give the chemical formula for aerobic respiration.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H20
There are four natural causes of fluctuations in global climates. Name three of them.
Volcanoes, ocean currents, insolation, and the orbit of Earth (see TB page 72 for more information).
There are 17 sustainable development goals created by UN Agenda 21. Name five of them.
No poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry/innovation/infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace/justice/strong institutions, and partnerships for the goals.
What is eutrophication?
An increase in nutrients in a body of water resulting in a rapid growth of algae.
There are eight benefits of conserving biodiversity. Name four of them.
Food security; economic growth and poverty reduction; combat climate change; medical resources; genetic diversity; natural resources such as food, wood, fibres, oils, and clean water; ecological security; and cultural and recreational value.