Stories of Ourselves
16th & 17th Century Poetry
Historical Connections
Figurative Language and Poetic Sound Devices
There are Petrarchan and Shakespearen types of these 14 line poems.
What are sonnets.
J.G. Ballard's "Billenium" is an example of this type of fiction, made popular by writers such as Yevgeny Zamyatin, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.
What is "dystopian fiction"
"When I Was Fair and Young" deals with the concept of "carpe diem" which means, roughly, this.
What is to seize the day.
This English queen reigned for the majority of Shakespeare's career.
Who is Queen Elizabeth I
An example of this is "My feast of joy is but a dish of pain."
What is "metaphor"
This unavuncular uncle also serves as one of these for Hamlet - a type of character who highlights or underscores specific traits of primary characters.
What is a foil.
"The Moving Finger" was written by this Pulitzer wining novelist who was also nominated for a Nobel Prize in 1927, 1928 and 1930.
Who is Edith Wharton.
Chicdiock Tichbourne was executed for this crime.
What is treason
Virginia Woolf is often associated with this philosophical and cultural movement which has focused attention on the structural inequalities in gender relationships.
What is "feminism."

Teacher A was fired for threatening to punch a student in the face while Teacher B was not because Teacher B used this, and threatened to immolate and defenestrate the student - which is not a credible threat at all.

What is "hyperbole"

We know that Midsummer Night's Dream is a comedy because it ends in this, a universal human ceremony.
What is a marriage.
Bernard Malamud's "The Prison" deals in part with disillusionment with this aspect of Cold War American life.
What is The American Dream.
In the sonnets we have read in class, the structure of the poem is divided into sections with these numbers of lines respectively.
What is eight and six.
"The Enemy" by V.S. Naipaul, deals in part with this historical event in India which lasted from 1858 to 1947.
What is British rule or the Raj.

The noun "wind" and the adjective "unkind" are an example of this.

What is "eye rhyme"

In a majority of Shakespeare's works, a character who does this well is usually a character the audience is meant to distrust or be suspicious of.
What is speak.
This economic event in the late 80s, early 90s, served in part as the inspiration for Raymond Carver's "Elephant."
What is a recession.
"Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day" is an example of this type of metrical form, popular with Shakespeare.
What is iambic pentameter.
The historical Richard III's skeleton was found in England under this kind of paved structure necessary for everything from schools to malls.
What is a parking lot.
The major difference between metaphor, simile and this is that the first two are figures of speech while the latter is more of a logical argument.
What is "analogy"
Shakespeare's Richard III has been analyzed by some critics as being this type of politically biased information, used by the Tudors to legitimize their rule.
What is propaganda.
He is the author of the less-than-loved-by-students "Real Time" and is also an accomplished classical musician.
Who is Amit Chaudhuri
"The Procession of The Seasons" was written by this English Poet.
Who is Edmund Spenser.
Doris Lessing "Report on the Threatened City" was written in response to an earthquake in this U.S. city.
What is San Francisco.
In a metaphor the tenor is the subject to which attributes are ascribed and this, while it has nothing to do with driving, is the object whose attributes are borrowed.
What is "the vehicle"