Argument Elements
Arguments/ Raven

A persuasive statement that lacks reasons and evidence.

What is a CLAIM/Conclusion?


Environmentalists who are concerned about the likelihood of extinction of many animal and plant species suggest that protected areas should be introduced worldwide. But in some poor countries this would prevent people using the only natural resource available to them, such as Lions (Cecil) in Zimbabwe.

Identify an example and explain its function

What is Lions (Cecil) in Zimbabwe. It's function is an example of a country using the only natural resource available to them that is an animal species.


All beagles are dogs Snoopy is a beagle, therefore Snoopy is a dog

What is (therefore) Snoopy is a dog


 Most examinations impose a tight time limit on candidates (people taking the test). But this is difficult to justify. It prevents some good candidates from demonstrating their ability in a subject, and most employers would be happy to employ people who take time to produce a well thought-out solution to a problem.

Yes source _ is an argument it's main conclusion is in sentence 2 and reason to support are in sentence 3


What are the dates of the AICE Exams? Which exam is on which specific date?

What is April 29th(PS) and May 8th(CT)


In an argument, what is the term for a conclusion that simultaneously supports the main conclusion and is itself supported by reasons?

What are Intermediate Conclusions?


Alarms are ineffective. This was shown by the case of a jewellery robbery in 2015. Thieves managed to tunnel into a vault containing jewellery worth many millions of dollars. They did set off an alarm, which the security firm reported to the police, but the call was graded by police call handlers as not needing any follow up.

"the case of a jewellery robbery in 2015.Thieves managed to tunnel into a vault containing jewellery worth many millions of dollars. "

What is evidence its function is to support the intermediate conclusion/claim that alarms are ineffective.


The romantic notion of being spontaneous is attractive, but forward planning is essential to survival in modern society. When constructing a house, a builder has to produce something called a Critical Path Analysis. This is to ensure that things happen in the right order; that, for example, electricians are not brought in until walls and floors are in place. Without this rigorous approach, an individual is likely to find that they keep missing appointments or they arrive on the platform just as the train is leaving the station.  

What is (but) forward planning is essential to survival in modern society.


Statement from retired pilots’ association:

Our members tend to be well-off in retirement, with good pensions and a reasonable level of savings, having been in a well-paid job. If some of them choose to participate in air shows it is not because they need the money. The main motivation is to go on exercising the skills they have and do exciting things with aircraft that would probably not have gone down well with their passengers when they were flying for commercial airlines. As an older age group, they were used to a world in which there were fewer regulations; many share a view that the world of flying and, indeed, the world in general, is now over-regulated

Moderately reliable. They have an Ability to gather information as They are a pilots retirement association so they have the ability to get information on their members. They do have a vested interest to defend their members as they are a retired pilots association and would want more people to join their association. Although They have expertise in the area of dealing with people who are an older age group they do not necessarily have expertise in the area of flying and the regulations that come along with it.


What is the question asking you when it ask you to evaluate/how? How should you respond to this question?

Identify Calls for the respondent to?

Make a judgment. Never 100% Moderately plausible/credible/effective



A set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument



While many things do contribute to noise pollution in modern life – cars, planes and other machinery. However, these things are useful and essential to the maintenance of a modern lifestyle. Alarms make no such contribution, so they are useless. 

"While many things do contribute to noise pollution in modern life"

What is a counter assertion.


Environmentalists who are concerned about the likelihood of extinction of many animal and plant species suggest that protected areas should be introduced worldwide. But in some poor countries this would prevent people using the only natural resource available to them, such as the Sugar Glider in Australia.Economic aid should be given to such countries, in addition to setting up protected areas.

What is Economic aid should be given to such countries [who use a animal and plant species that are their main export and only resource available to them]


Advertising feature:

Why Saunas are good for you.

A dry Sauna involves pouring water over heated rocks to create a high heat, which transfers heat to the body at a slow rate, enabling users to sit safely in the sauna for longer. As the heat reaches up to 70 degrees celsius (or more) the body is forced to produce more sweat to cool itself down. This aids in the removal of many toxic metals such as sodium, lead and cadmium. Sweating in a sauna cleanses the skin, increases circulation and opens up airways and sinuses. The heat can speed recovery time for injuries such as strains, sprains,arthritis and muscular pain. In one session you can burn up to 300 calories-equivalent to a long jog for an hour of weight training.

No source__ is not an argument it is only providing information on why saunas are good for you and lacks a persuasive claim.


What year did the Titanic sink?

When is 1912?


Because,since,for,follows from the fact are all...?

What are reason indicators?


Some might argue that forward planning is incompatible with creative activity. However, if we take great literature as an example, many authors stress the importance of a systematic approach to creative work

What is a counter argument


It is wrong for California colleges to charge higher college fees to students from Florida if the Floridians decide to go to a California college. Floridian students already have extra expenses to live in California & travel home & move their belongings there, so they should not pay more. 

(so) they [Florida students attending California colleges] should not pay more.


A Social Media post from a Freelance photographer 

The New York Times has been reminding us freelancers that we must remember the training and acknowledgement form we filled out upon hiring, which limits our speech on current foreign and domestic events. While I do understand we represent them as “employees' ' I do not see them compromising with us in any way, so why should I be forced to remain silent? Maybe if they offered their “employees' ' benefits such as healthcare and retirement funds then we will think about compromising with the restriction of our speech. Wait until y’all find out that they only pay us $450 a photo!! LOL!!!! 

 Moderately reliable. The source has a good ability to gain information as they themselves are a freelance photographer employed by the New York Times, They also do have a vested interest to make the situation seem a bit worst so that people will side with them and also speak out on this matter to bring light to what they feel is an injustice. They do appear to be neutral as they do acknowledge the fact that they signed forms and documentation ahead of time and also are acknowledging that they are an employee of the media outlet.                


Lions have declined precipitously in the wild, down from an estimated 200,000 continent-wide a century ago to about 20,000 today. Trophy hunting such as the late great king Cecil aka Cecilo are the main cause for such a steep decline in these regal animals. While others claim that the main threats are habitat loss, prey depletion, this is furthest from the case the glorification of these big game kills through social media has led to a subculture of exotic animal hunters, therefore being the sole reason why exotic animals populations are in mass decline.

Moderately plausible. While exotic animal hunting and human sport are a cause of such regal animals population dwindling is certainly a symptom of the issue it is not the SOLE reason as to why. It loses plausibility as there can be many other factors such as climate change,habitat loss, and prey depletion.


Must, should,so,hence,thus,consequently,reggertable as it may be.. are all?

What are Conclusion Indicators 


Ticket prices for professional popular music concerts are typically 10 times the average hourly pay rate and are likely to go on rising as the cost of putting on concerts increases. A performance by a band is now an elaborate piece of theatre, with sophisticated lighting, several costume changes and dancers prancing about performing complicated choreographed moves. Regrettable as it may be, professional popular music concerts will not survive. They have become an elite art form, like opera, which is well beyond the reach of the ordinary person, so the traditional audience will not support these concerts

"They have become an elite art form, like opera, which is well beyond the reach of the ordinary person"

What is a reason its function is to support the intermediate conclusion that the traditional audience will not support these concerts.


 Despite popular belief that the fashion industry is responsible for many cases of anorexia among women, ultrathin models are not the main cause for girls trying to starve themselves. Often the reasons for denying oneself food are depression, anxiety, and the fear of being seen as a sexual human being. The impact fashion photographs have on dieting cannot be ignored, but anorexic models are symptoms of the disease, not the cause.

 MC: Ultra thin models are not the main cause for girls trying to starve themselves

IC: (but) anorexic models are symptoms of the disease, not the cause.


Advertising feature:

Why Saunas are good for you.

A dry Sauna involves pouring water over heated rocks to create a high heat, which transfers heat to the body at a slow rate, enabling users to sit safely in the sauna for longer. As the heat reaches up to 70 degrees celsius (or more) the body is forced to produce more sweat to cool itself down. This aids in the removal of many toxic metals such as sodium, lead and cadmium. Sweating in a sauna cleanses the skin, increases circulation and opens up airways and sinuses. The heat can speed recovery time for injuries such as strains, sprains,arthritis and muscular pain. In one session you can burn up to 300 calories-equivalent to a long jog for an hour of weight training.

No source__ is not an argument it is only providing information on why saunas are good for you and lacks a persuasive claim.


Find a weakness in the reasoning of this argument.

The North American Wildlife Federation, which sponsors an annual watch for endangered species, reports that sightings of the bald eagle between 1978 and 1979 increased by 35 per cent. In the watch of 1979, 13,127 sightings of bald eagles were reported, 3,400 over the 1978 count. Thus indicating considerable growth in the bald eagle population.

Just because there are more sightings of Bald Eagles does not mean that there is a growth in their population. People could just be going out and exploring in the wilderness more than they have in previous years.