An estimate of income and expenditure
what is budget
a symbol or design used by an organization to identify itself
what is a logo
a list of books, journals and websites used during research
what is a bibliography
planning means thinking about careful timing for each activity or visit
what is time keeping
a situation in which everyone agrees with an idea or decision
what is a consensus
the way in which tourism demand fluctuates throughout a year
what is seasonality
An event management planning calendar, identifying tasks to be undertaken by whom and when
what is a gantt chart
a record of transactions and changes made
what is an audit trail
looking after your customers while conducting your event is essential
what is customer care and feedback
the ways in which people in a group interact with each other and the effect that these have on the team
what is group dynamics
Evaluation of potential risks such as injury, loss or danger that may be encountered during an event
what is risk assessment
The practice of trying to trick people into giving away their passwords and bank account details by sending an email or text pretending to be a bank or well known company
what is phishing
Unexpected problems may occur. This where contingency plans become useful.
what is problem solving
List them stages of team perfomance curve
what is working group, pseudo team, potential team, real team, and high performance team
the fact that some things cannot be touched or held, as they do not have a physical prescence
what is intangibility
List the SMART goals
What is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed-framed
Earn enough income to cover all costs
what is break even
Annotated photographs, screenshots of email, blogs and research sites, evidence of your marketing activites.
What is evidence of the event
done for a special or immediate purpose
What is perishables
A substitute plan that is put into place if something goes wrong with the original event
what is a contingency plan
a document that requests payment for goods or services provided. Contains supplier name and address.
record of discussions, evidcence of all the financial accounts, permissions from colleges or schools, legal permissions.
what is evidence of events