Aidan is this smart.
What is very smart?
This was Aidan's first Youtube channel name, as well as his first Minecraft username.
What is biobuilder234?
This is Aidan's favorite BAND
Who is Pinegrove?
This is Aidan's favorite color.
What is purple?
Aidan has been learning this skill since the beginning of 2021.
What is skateboarding?
Aidan is this height.
What is 6'2"?
During most of middle school, this was Aidan's favorite artist, who he saw twice in concert.
Who is Skrillex?
This is Aidan's primary genre, which he has been playing since 2012.
What is jazz?
This is Aidan's principle instrument at Berklee College of Music.
What is drumset?
This is Aidan's favorite video game of all time.
What is Super Smash Brothers: Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube (2001)?
Aidan wears this shoe size.
What is size 13?
This was Aidan's biggest character-defining interest during middle school.
What is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
This was the FIRST instrument Aidan ever took lessons on.
What is Piano?
This is Aidan's official major(s).
What is Jazz Composition and Performance?
During his freshman year of high school, Aidan had an unhealthy obsession with this video game, causing him to nearly fail several classes but at one point reaching top 30 in the world.
What is Destiny?
As a result of frequently getting sick, Aidan has had this complication from a cold eight times in his life.
What is an ear infection?
This no longer accessible social media platform was Aidan's largest social media presence of all time, with over 10,000 [friends/followers/etc].
What is Ponysquare?
This is Aidan's favorite jazz musician of all time, deeply influencing his playing.
Who is Gene Harris?
These are Aidan's siblings.
Who are Donal and Shaina?
This franchise was Aidan's character-defining interest during elementary school.
What is Bionicle?
When playing fox in Melee, Aidan routinely gets this many controller inputs per minute.
What is 500?
Aidan had ten of this pet in his life, almost all of which at different points died as a result of his negligence.
What are mice?
This pianist is the reason Aidan became interested in playing piano in 2016.
Who is Cory Henry?
Aidan has played drums for this many years.
What is fifteen?
This game (not video game) was a passing interest of Aidan's for months before coming to Berklee in fall 2019.
What is Poker?