Cierra found letters of her parents struggling with what?
Cierra coming out as gay
this was dads favorite game
what is chess
this was becca's vacation souvenir that caused dawn to nuke
what is: get her belly button pierced
Which boyfriend pulled a gun out on shelby?
what is clayton
when was the last time christian washed his bedsheets
gammie stopped going on vacations with the jeter family for this reason
what is cierra jeter
who is: dana
what is his hearing
dad did what at a journey concert that he and mom went to with dana
smoked weed
christy and derek
six flags settled and paid for austin's injuries
gammie lied to dawn about this until later in her life
what is when gammie was pregnant with mom
this ex boyfriend tried to push rebecca out of a moving car on the highway
who is: jarret
david would rather do what than drink alcohol
what is: smoke weed
where did dawn have to round up all the kids to find tom?
this technically difficulty occurred at the beach house that gammie rented when she took the entire family to south galveston
What is: the AC went out
poos was husband number ___ when mary officially entered the picture
what is: 7
dana's good friend tracy asked kabrin to do what at shelby's wedding
what is: smell her panties
slade was deathly afraid of this
what is lumps in his socks
dawn nearly died this way after getting too drunk
what is her apartment almost burned down
This cousin's boyfriend tried to commit sewer side after HE cheated on her and she broke up with him
Who is: Cierra