
What's poppin'

Conspiracy Theories

Phobias of mine


Harry Potter


This animal has 3 hearts, 9 brains and blue blood.

What is an Octopus


This artist became the youngest solo female artist to win a Grammy for Album of the Year at age 20 with her 2010 album "Speak Now," which she wrote entirely by herself.

Who is Taylor Swift


Conspiracy theorists who believe that the moon landing in 1969 was staged argue that this agency faked the mission.

What is NASA


This term describes an intense fear of darkness, often leading individuals to avoid situations where they cannot see.

What is nyctophobia


A thing which rotates or which causes something to rotate

What is Rotator


Rubeus Hagrid named his Norwegian Ridgeback dragon this, after acquiring it as an egg from a stranger in the Hog's Head.

What is Norbert


This animal is the only land mammals that can't jump.

What is Elephants 


This artist, known for her gloomy-pop hits in the 2010s, released an experimental 2021 album titled "Chemtrails over the Country Club," reflecting a more subdued and introspective style.

Who is Lana Del Rey


Experts believe that the Egyptian pyramids were built by this, because it is hard to believe that an ancient civilization had the means to build such grand structures.

Who is the Aliens


This phobia is characterized by an extreme fear of the ocean or other large bodies of water.

What is thalassophobia


A system for detecting the presence, direction, distance, and speed of aircraft, ships, and other objects

What is Radar


What is Lord Voldemort's full name?

What is Tom Marvolo Riddle 


A newborn of this animal is the size of a lima bean.

What is the kangaroo


Pharrell Williams 2014 album "G I R L" featured a track with the name of which famous American actress and model?

What is Marilyn Monroe


This place is home to aliens, UFOs, and more government secrets.

What us Area 51


This term refers to the fear of vomiting or seeing others vomit, which can lead to severe anxiety and avoidance of situations where one might feel ill.

What is emetophobia


A canoe of a type used originally by the Inuit

What is Kayak


What special creature was visible only to those who had witnessed death?

What is a Thestrals


 This animal will sometimes burp when they're happy

What is a Gorilla


In 2017, Kesha's music video for this song opens with an internal monologue that verges on the suicidal.  “God, give me a sign, or I have to give up. I can’t do this anymore. Please just let me die. Being alive hurts too much.” 

What is Praying


Canadian musician, Avril Lavigne is the subject of a famous conspiracy theory that she died in 2003. This person was said to be the person that took over her life.

Who is Melissa Vandella 


This condition, involves a fear of open or public spaces where escape might be difficult or help might not be readily available, often leading to avoidance of such situations.

What is agoraphobia


To have made someone or something into a God

What is Deified


At the wedding of William Weasley and Fleur Delacour, who served as Bill's best man?

Who is Charles "Charlie" Weasley 


This animal has zero teeth in its mouth and two teeth total

What is a Narwhal


This producer and artist, known for his work on the 2008 song "Just Dance," played a significant role in shaping Lady Gaga’s sound and is also known for his collaborations with artists like Madonna and U2.

Who is RedOne (Nadir Khayat)


The New York City Police Department had discovered a pedophilia ring linked to members of the Democratic Party it was given this cheesy name.

What is Pizzagate


This specific phobia involves an intense fear of attending or participating in educational settings, such as schools or classrooms, often resulting in significant avoidance and anxiety.

What is scolionophobia


This is another name for half of a musical note

What is Minim


What book is bequeathed to Hermione Granger by Albus Dumbledore?

What is The Tales of Beedle the Bard