Executive Functions
Social Communication
Problem Solving
Study Skills

What are planning, prioritizing, working memory, task initiation, and organization called?

Executive Functions


What is one of the organization strategies/systems we talked about?

Computer Organization, Backpack Organization, or Cubby Organization


What are the 3 parts of social communication?

(1) connecting, (2) listening, and (3) working together.


What are the ABCs of problem solving?

A: Aim – Identify the Problem 

B: Brainstorm Solutions 

C: Choose the Best Solution 

D: Do it! Try Out Solution 

E. Evaluate How it Worked


How much information can your brain hold at once?



What is the EF that helps you stop procrastinating.

Getting Started


What is the method used to organize your Cubby or Backpack?

The Big Dump?


What is connecting?

- Look at others when talking 

- Share the conversation  

- Stay on topic 

- Ask on topic follow-up questions 

- Be respectful  


What are the 5 Ws to define a problem?

(1) Who

(2) What

(3) When 

(4) Where 

(5) Why 


What is the study technique that had you make an abbreviation made out of the first letter of the words of a sequence?



What is the EF that helps make sure that you can find materials in your binder, backpack, locker, and computer files?



What are the steps in the Big Dump?

1. Act on it

2. File it

3. Trash it


What is listening? 

- Look at others when listening 

- Wait until others are done speaking before talking 

- Notice nonverbals (body language and facial expressions)


What are some things that get in the way of solving a problem?

- Not knowing how to solve a problem

- Feeling lazy or bored 

- Wanting to do other things 

- Avoiding problems 

- Worrying about consequences


What is the study technique where the first letter spells out a word or message?



What is the EF where you choose the most important information over less important information?



Name 2 reasons why it is important to use an organization system 


1. Keeping all classroom materials organized

2. Finding classroom materials more easily

3. Having a consistent place to put materials

4. Being more productive in the classroom


What is working together?

- Cooperate with others 

- Take the perspectives of others 

- People have different thoughts and  feelings  

- People have different likes, ideas, opinions, and experiences


What do you have to do before choosing a solution to a problem?

Go through the pros and cons to choose which solution(s) may be the best fit. 


What is the difference between a flashcard and an AIMS study card? What types of tests/quizzes are study cards helpful for?

Flashcards typically include longer sentences/definitions that are harder to remember, where as study cards have smaller "chunks" of information. 

Tests and quizzes that require you to memorize vocabulary or key concepts can be memorized using study cards. 


What is the EF where you keep things in mind while you need to use them?

Working Memory


When should you organize your binder, backpack, or cubby?

Have a consistent time during the week. 

For example: 

"I will organize my binder every Friday morning at the beginning of the work cycle"

"I will check to see if my backpack is organized each day when I get home"


What is perspective taking?

Seeing a situation from another person's viewpoint and understanding the other person’s feelings, thoughts, or opinions. It does not mean we have to agree with them, but we do understand that they see things differently from us.


What do you do during the Evaluation step of the ABC's of problem solving?

1. If the solution worked, continue to practice it!

2. If the solution did not work, go back and try a new solution. 


What is the stickiness factor? What is an example of this?

Learning information in a way that sticks in your brain, such as the 4-7 rule.