Figurative Language/Literary Devices
Plot and Characters
Main Idea and Details
"Slugs sailed the sea in summer" is an example of what kind of figurative language.
Use your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes and roots to define the word worthless.
Without worth
The place and time where a story takes place is the...
What is the definition of main idea?
What the story or passage is mostly about.
What is the definition of theme in literature?
Moral of the story.
This describes the author's feelings and attitude about what they are writing.
Use your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes and roots to define the word dishonest.
Not honest
The problem that the main character is faced with is called the....
Fire ants are painful and destructive pests. The fire ant earned its name because of its venom. The insect uses a wasp-like stinger to inject the venom, which causes a painful burning sensation and leaves tiny, itching pustules. The ants will swarm over anyone or anything that disturbs their nests. In addition to causing pain, fire ants damage many crops by eating the plants and by protecting other insects that damage crops.Fire ants are attracted to soybeans, eggplant, corn, okra, strawberries, and potatoes. What is the main idea of this passage?
Fire ants are dangerous.
This point of view is when the writer is a character in the story.
1st person
This describes the overall atmosphere or feeling of the story or text.
A paragraph in a poem is called a....
The main character or hero of the story is also called the....
Despite the hatred that most people feel toward cockroaches, they do help humans in several ways. For example, they are perfect experimental animals and are used for scientific research in the laboratory. Breeding them is easy, for they thrive under almost any conditions. In studies on nutrition and food, cockroaches are good subjects because they will eat any kind of food. They can be used to study heart disease, and cancer researchers work with roaches because they grow cancerous tumors like those that are found in humans. Which sentence in the passage is the main idea of this passage?
Despite the hatred that most people feel toward cockroaches, they do help humans in several ways.
This point of view is when the author is not a character in the story, and they are all knowing.
3rd person omniscient
Write an example of a simile and a metaphor.
Answers will vary. Similes compare two things using like or as. Metaphors compares two things by saying something is another thing. (He's as tall AS a telephone pole) (You are what you eat)
Use your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes and roots to define the word exchangeable.
Able to be exchanged or switched.
The most interesting part of the story, where the story changes either for the better or the worse is called the...
Making a study schedule is one important step in becoming a successful student in college. Students should schedule one hour of study time for every one hour of class time. At exam time, more study time may be necessary. Also, students must study in an appropriate place. It is important to study in a quiet place away from the distraction of other people and such things as the television and the radio. Students should find a comfortable place with plenty of space for all the necessary study supplies. Then, students need to study the information in small amounts. It is a good idea to learn the required concepts slowly and thoroughly instead of trying to learn everything on the evening before the exam. Students who want to be successful in college should remember these three helpful study strategies. Which sentence in this passage is the main idea of the passage?
Students who want to be successful in college should remember these three helpful study strategies.
What are the 3 purposes of an author's writing.
Persuade, Inform, Entertain
When a writer appeals to the audience's five senses is called what?
Use your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes and roots to define the word wondrous.
Full of wonder
The part of the story where characters and background information is introduced. This usually happens at the beginning of the story. This is the....
Jenna loves to talk on the phone. She calls everyone she knows every day after school. Her bedroom has pink wallpaper. Jenna's father told her that the phone bill is getting too expensive. Jenna is now only allowed to call 2 friends each night. What detail from the passage does not support the main idea of the passage?
Jenna's wallpaper is pink.
Give one good testing strategy for a reading test!
Answers will vary