All I do is win, win, win
Yer a wizard, Harry!
Oh my (Greek) God!
O-Town Showdown
Read 'em and weep

Crank is gearing up to win gold at the Canadian Ultimate Championships (CUC) in Ottawa next week. The very first CUC’s were also held in Ottawa, taking place in which decade.

What is the 80’s?


"The thing about growing up with Fred and George is that you sort of start thinking  anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve."

Who is Ginny Weasley?


The Greeks’ best warrior in the Trojan war.

Who is Achilles?


This is the official flower of Ottawa.

What is the tulip?


This book is set in a dystopian world that forces kids to fight on behalf of their neighbourhood.

What is The Hunger Games?


This athlete scored the "golden goal" at the 2010 Winter Olympics. 

Who is Sidney Crosby?


“I think I’ll just go down and have some pudding and wait for it all to turn up - it always does in the end.”

Who is Luna Lovegood?


Guards the entrance to the underworld

Who is Cerberus?


This automotive repair shop turned local brewery is the perfect place to sip an American Oat Pale Ale or a Bohemian-Style Pilsner.

What is Flora Hall Brewery?


This series follows the unfortunate events of three children’s lives. What are their names?

Who are Violet, Klaus & Sunny?


This athlete is the only Canadian athlete to win medals in both the summer and winter Olympics

Who is Clara Hughes?


“Hearing voices no one else can hear isn’t a good sign, even in the wizarding world.”

Who is Ron Weasley?


A very wealthy king who loved gold more than anything.

Who is Midas?


The Ottawa Locks are framed by Canada’s Parliament buildings on one side and the impressive Chateau Laurier on the other. This is the largest single set of locks on the entire Rideau system, providing a lift of 24 meters, and traveling up this many locks.

What is 8?


This book follows the story of a Greek hero falling in love before his untimely death.

What is The Song of Achilles?


In the Tour de France, the coveted yellow jersey is worn everyday by the leader of the general individual classification. This athlete has spent the most days wearing the yellow jersey.

Who is Eddy Merckx?


“If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

Who is Sirius Black?



Who is Artemis?


The name Ottawa comes from this Algonquin word. You can also cross this Ottawa bridge if you choose.

What is adàwe?


This author has written several series, all known for their questionable writing, predictable tropes, and graphic sexual imagery.

Who is Sarah J. Maas?


This year was an exciting year for women’s hockey, with the inaugural season of the PWHL, awarding this team the first championship trophy.

What is Minnesota?


“It is the quality of one’s convictions that determines success, not the number of followers.”

Who is Remus Lupin?


The son of Zeus and Hera, god of fire and forge, and the husband of Aphrodite.

Who is Hephaestus?


Ottawa is home to seven of Canada’s nine national museums.This particular museum has a room named after the late Queen.

What is the Museum of Nature?


This author is known for historical fiction such as The Alice Network and The Rose Code.

Who is Kate Quinn?