Maritime Polar
Maritime Tropical
Continental Polar
Continental Tropical
Washington State
Write the abbreviation for maritime polar. Correct capitalization is a must.
What is mP

Write the abbreviation for maritime Tropical. Correct capitalization is a must.

What is mT

Write the abbreviation for continental polar. Correct capitalization is a must.
What is cP

Write the abbreviation for continental tropical. Correct capitalization is a must.

What is cT


What is cP air like in the summer?

What is stable and drying out so clear skies and no showers maybe some cumulus.
Where do maritime polar air masses form? (hint: land or water). Which LETTER in the abbreviation tells you this?
What is over water (m)
Where do maritime tropical air masses form? (hint: land or water). Which LETTER in the abbreviation tells you this?
What is over water (m)
Where do continental polar air masses form? (hint: land or water). Which LETTER in the abbreviation tells you this?
What is over land (c)
Where do continental tropical air masses form? (hint: land or water). Which LETTER in the abbreviation tells you this?
What is over land (c)

What does mP air bring to Western Washington in the summer

What is dense fog from the ocean.


What type of weather do these bring to Bremerton in the winter?

What is Rain and fog


When can this type of Air mass hit the west coast in winter?

What is only when a strong low is off California and then heavy rainfall occurs in southern California. 


What type of weather can this bring to southern California?

Squalls and even snow


Why is there no cT in the United States?

Because the land mass is not warm enough to generate them.


What type of weather does mT bring to Washington in the summer?

What is clear weather.

The m in maritime tells us what about this air masses moisture content? The P tells us what about the temperature?
What is m=wet or high humidity and P=cold
The m in maritime tells us what about this air masses moisture content? The T tells us what about the temperature?
What is m=wet or high humidity and T=warm
The c in continental tells us what about this air masses moisture content? The P tells us what about the temperature?
What is c=dry or low humidity and P=cold
The c in continental tells us what about this air masses moisture content? The T tells us what about the temperature?
What is c=dry or low humidity and T=warm

Why does mT bring clear weather to Washington in the summer?

What is because it is stable. mTw. It is warmer than the ground beneath it passes over. 


Describe the weather that is brought in the summer by maritime polar air masses in Pacific Northwest.

What is summer=foggy and cool


Describe the weather that is brought in the summer by maritime tropical air masses in the Pacific Northwest. 

What is summer=warm and humid (wet) 


Describe the weather that is brought in the summer by continental polar air masses Pacific Northwest.

What is summer=cool and dry


Through back question, where does our coldest air come from for Bremerton.

What is cP air through the Fraiser Gap

What type of Air Mass is outside right now?

What is mP