How many hairs are on the average human head?
What is ~100,000
This decision-making algorithm, often used in game-playing AI, simulates many possible future game states using random playouts (or "rollouts") to determine the most promising move
What is Monte-Carlo Tree Search?
Which AI lab introduced the concept of "Constitutional AI" as an alignment tecnique?
This term refers to knowledge that is dangerous to the person learning it
What is an infohazard?
A 1997 chess match between an AI and a world chess champion
What is Deep Blue vs Garry Kasparov?
How many skyscrapers over 400 feet are there in Atlanta?
What is 39?
In the context of activation functions, what does ReLU stand for?
What is Rectified Linear Unit?
What alignment guardrails did Deepseek pioneer?
What is literally nothing?
What is Microsoft's new quantum chipset called?
What is Majorana?
A 2016 Go match between an AI and this top Go player
Lee Sedol
How many (live) chickens are in the US currently?
What is ~500,000,000?
This component of the Transformer model helps retain the order of input tokens, as the architecture itself lacks inherent sequential processing
What is positional encoding?
This term refers to a AI’s willingness to accept modifications and shutdown instructions from humans
This book by Daniel Hofstadter reflects upon consciousness and artificial intelligence through various puzzles and paradoxes
What is Godel, Escher, and Bach: the Eternal Golden Braid?
The CNN that won the 2012 ImageNet Challenge
How many neurons are in the average human brain?
What are ~86 billion neurons?
This theorem states that a feedforward neural network with a single hidden layer containing a finite number of neurons can approximate any continuous function on a closed interval, given sufficient neurons
What is the Universal Approximation Theorem?
This technique can help disentangle features in polysemantic neurons
What is sparse autoencoding?
In game theory, this term refers to preferences and the value of rewards fluctuating over time
What is dynamic inconsistency?
ChatGPT's MBTI type (as tested by a random Reddit user a while ago by feeding it the questions and having it answer)
How many liters of water are there on Earth?
What is ~1.386e+21 L
To prevent exploding gradients during backpropagation, this technique limits the maximum absolute value of gradients before updating weights
What is gradient clipping?
Claude's constitution draws from these sources
What are Apple's Terms of Service, UN Declaration of Human Rights, DeepMind's Sparrow Principles
What is the name of the world's current most powerful supercomputer?
The first major theorem to be proved using a computer
What is the four color theorem?