you can delete stuff with this button
what is backspace
the earth is coverd in 70% of this
what is water
washington dc
what is the capital of the united states
this mob is light green and blows up
what is a creeper
this is a iconic dog meme
what is doge
the screen of a computer
what is moniter
when water gose up into the clouds
what is evapertion
a famous sword from japan
what is a katana
this mob is tiny and dark green
what is a baby zombie
this is a meme a bout a green guy
what is sherck
this is were every thing is locatied to power it
what is a computer
20% of Earth's oxygen is produced by
what is the amozn rainforest
this ended november 11th 1918
when did wwI end
you can find this best at y 10 or 9 in the over world
what is dimonds
this meme was poular in 2020 and was purple
what is benous
it stoeres a lot of your stuff in your computer
what is hard drive
this can be 15 cm taller during the summer
what is eiffle tower
ended september 2nd 1945
when did wwII end
you can find this in the nether best at y 12
what is anciant debrie
when michal jordan said stop it get some help what comercile was that from
what is mcdonalds
generally composed of the main memory, control unit, and arithmetic-logic unit.
what is a cpu
a cloud is 0.02-0.04% of this
what is water
ended april 9th 1865
when did the cival war end?
the deepest you can go in the over world in the 1.17 update
what is y -64
this was created in 2021 after this guy said
what is beans