Forms of Energy
Energy Transformation
Conduction & Convection
Radiation & Thermal Energy
Specific Heat

What are five types of Energy?

Mechanical, Chemical, Potential, Kinetic, Sound, Thermal, Heat, Electrical, Light, Radiant


The matter the waves travel through is called...

What is the medium?


what happens when there is a greater difference in the energy particles?

which would be faster?

fire vs ice cube

hand vs ice cube

energy transfer goes faster

fire vs ice cube


When objects are cold, molecules move ____________.



Julian puts 1 kg of water and 1 kg of oil on the stove. The initial temperatures of both are 20 °C. The water takes more time to reach 40 °C than the oil. Which substance has a higher specific heat - water or oil?



What are the two main types of energy?

Kinetic and Potential


As the speed of a falling object increases, its potential energy will _____________________.

What is decrease


where does convection mainly happen

Liquids and Gases


Radiation is heat transfer through ____________.

electromagnetic Waves


A student mixes 70 g of water at 80°C and 140 g of water at 20°C in an insulated cup, as shown in the diagram below.

What is the expected temperature of the water in the cup after 1 min?







Type of energy that depends on the speed of molecules.

What is thermal or heat energy


Provide one example of electromagnetic energy.

What are light waves?

What are microwaves?

What are x-rays?

What are radio waves?


Which of the following is NOT a way that thermal energy is transferred?

a. Conduction

b. Radiation

C. Condensation

C. Condensation


Which is an example of radiation?

1. Using a microwave to heat food

2. Cooking pancakes on a pan

1. Using a microwave to heat food


What is the change in temperature of an object whose initial temperature is 40 °C and reaches a final temperature of 65 °C?

25 °C


The law of conversation states...

What is energy can neither be created or destroyed. 


The energy transformation that occur in a guitar. (______ to ______)

What is mechanical to sound


Warm objects have _____ moving particles, then they touch something _____, energy is transferred to the cold object that has ______ moving particles.

warm= faster

touch something cold with slower moving particles


Do humans give off radiation?

Yes, all objects, including human bodies give off  radiation.


A student heats 200 g of water from 20°C to 70°C. How much heat did the student add to the water if the specific heat for water is 4.2 J/g • °C? 

A.10,000 J

 B.14,000 J

 C.42,000 J

 D.76,000 J

C.42,000 J


 The ability to do work:

a. Convection

b. Thermal

c. Energy

c. Energy


The energy transformations that occur in a nuclear power plant. (_____ to _____ to _____)

What is nuclear to thermal to electrical.


True or false: Conduction produces heat when you rub your hands together

False, friction causes heat when you rub your hands together. Conduction is the transfer of heat between two objects.


This is the amount of heat necessary to raise one mass unit of a substance by one temperature unit.

What is specific heat?


Two U.S. quarters, initially at the same temperature, are heated with a flame. One of the quarters was made before 1965 and is composed of silver. The other quarter was made after 1965 and is composed mostly of copper. What information is needed to determine which quarter will heat up faster?

 A.the specific heats of the metals and the mass of each coin

 B.the initial temperature of the coins and the mass of each coin

 C.the temperature of the flame and the specific heats of the metals

 D.the initial temperature of the coins and the temperature of the flame

 A.the specific heats of the metals and the mass of each coin