What was the first capital of Al-Andalus?
A) Malaga B) Córdoba C) Sevilla
Where was the capital of Al-Andalus during 'the golden age' (900-1002)?
Who invaded Al-Andalus and ended the Muslim rule?
The Christians / Christian Kings
Name 2 non-muslim social groups of that lived in Al-Andalus.
Hint: Religion
1. Christians
2. Jews
3. Slaves
Who established the Capital of Asturias in Oviedo?
Alfonso II
Why did the Muslims invade Iberia? (2 reasons)
1. The Visigoths were weak
2. Islam was spreading all over the world
Which was the biggest city in the world in the year 935?
a) Madrid b) Córdoba c) Sevilla
b) Córdoba
Who were the Almohads and Almoravids?
Berber tribes from North Africa who came to Al-Andalus to stop the Christian Advance
Name 1 new agricultural innovation created by the muslims.
1. Irrigation
2. New crops
Who began construction of the Mezquita of Córdoba in the 700s?
Abderamán I
Who created the Caliphate of Córdoba and called himself 'Caliph of Córdoba' in the year 929?
Abd al-Rahman III
What were Parias?
Taxes paid by the Muslim kingdoms to Castilla
Who were the Muladíes?
Christians who converted to Islam
In what battle did the Muslims defeat the Visigoths in 711?
What was the 'Independent Emirate' ?
From 756-929, Al-Andalus was politically independent from Baghdad, the Capital of the Abbasid Islamic Empire.
What were the Taifa Kingdoms?
The muslim kingdoms which controlled Iberia after Al-Andalus collapsed.
Name 2 muslim social groups that lived in Al-Andalus
1. Arabs
2. Berbers
3. Muladíes
What was the 'Dependent Emirate' ?
From 711-756, Al-Andalus was controlled by the Caliph in the Umayyad Imperial Capital of Damascus.
What was the name of the last Muslim Kingdom in Iberia?
Hint: It was defeated by Isabella and Ferdinand in 1492...
The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada
Who was Don Pelayo?
First King of Asturians/Cantabrians/Galicians who stopped the Muslim Conquest in the North.
He started the Requonquista
Name 2 characteristics of patios created by the Muslims
Regulate temperature, Intimacy, Ventilation, Illumination, Symbols of paradise