What's in a Name

This president was re-elected on November 8th defeating George B. McClellan.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?

June 17, 1864, was a significant day in this Utah territory town because Alfred Lewis Booth was born.

What is Alpine, Utah?


After Alfred married Edith Young, he  took her to this _________ Party  Meeting to “convert her”.

What is Republican?


Lew and May Ashworth were the parents of five children. The three boys died at or shortly after birth, leaving these two surviving girls.

Who were Editha and Leona?


Besides Utah, name two of the eight other territories that were recognized by the United States.

What are Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Arizona, Dakota, Washington, Montana, Idaho?


Lew served as Provo 4th Ward Bishop for ______  years.

What is 18?


Thornton served in the same mission as his father, A.L. Booth. What location did they both serve?

What is British or England?


This name is Middle English and Old Danish meaning temporary shelter such as a covered market stall or a ’cattle-herdsman's hut’.

What is Booth?


On April 22, Congress authorized the minting of a two-cent coin that included these four additional words.

What is "In God We Trust"?


For 6 years Alfred Lewis was a faculty member of Brigham Young Academy mostly teaching this subject.

What is Math?


These small fruits, classified in the “drupe” or stone fruit group, were a staple at any Booth dinner.

What are Olives?


This city was given its name in honor of Etienne Provost, an early fur trapper from Quebec.

What is Provo?


This book, first published in French by Jules Verne, tells the story of Professor Lidenbrock, his nephew, and a hired guide who travel deep into an Icelandic volcano.

What is "Journey to the Center of the Earth"?


The 1880 census lists 15 year old Alfred Lewis in this occupation.

What is a Farmer?


Growing up in the Booth home, the children had a party every other year and alternate years they had a family dinner. These two candies were constants no matter what else was on the menu.

What are Candy Corn and Chocolate Kisses?


In 1849, church leaders petitioned for statehood and sent their application for the “State of Deseret” proposing boundaries covering 265,000 square miles. One of the many reasons Congress rejected the first petition was some were unimpressed with the name, “Deseret” which refers to ___________________  and signifies unity, industry and cooperation.

What is a Honey Bee?