"This is the dock guard tower, a popcorn stand on stilts where somebody's dad sits with enough firepower to blow us all to smithereens."
What type of figurative language is this?
"Besides the guard tower, there's water all around, black and shiny like tar."
What type of figurative language is this?
"Different eyes, though. Mine are brown. hers are green like the marbles nobody likes to trade away."
What is this phrase saying about Natalie's green eyes?
They are a pretty color green
Who is Moose's sister?
"She never answers, which used to really bug me. I hate being the brother of a stone."
What kind of figurative language is this?
What type of figurative language is this?
"Then another girl's crusty voice comes out from the shadows behind the morgue."
What does the word "crusty" tell you about Piper's voice?
Her voice sounds hoarse, or rough.
Where does this story take place?
Her hair is like mine--brown and blonde all mixed up like birdseed.
What is being described in this sentence?
Natalie's hair
"A full moon cuts a wide path across the bay as the wild wind blows."
What type of figurative language is this?
"She never answers, which used to really bug me. I hate being the brother of a stone."
What is the author saying about Natalie in this sentence?
She never shows emotion and doesn't say or do much.
Who is the Warden's daughter?
"They tested her like she was some kind of insect."
What is being compared in this sentence?
Natalie is being compared to an insect.
"The hairs on my arms sticking up so straight, I could pick up radio signals with them."
What kind of figurative language is this?
"His sharp eyes seem to poke into me."
What is this saying about how the Warden is looking at Moose?
he is staring at him hard
Who is the most famous criminal on Alcatraz?
Al Capone
"My bed is a squeaky old army cot. When I sit down, it sounds like dozens of mice are dying an ugly death."
Which word in the sentence helps describe how the bed sounds when Moose sits on it?
"I'm happy as a pig in mud to have you here."
What type of figurative language is this?
When Moose realizes Annie is good at throwing baseball, he runs over to her and gives her a big hug.
"Sorry, I say, my face hot as a furnace."
What does this tell you about how Moose feels?
he is embarrassed
What is the name of the school Natalie is attending?
Esther P. Marinoff School