Who is the theorist behind LAD
Noam Chomsky
What is the term for words which are no longer in everyday use in the English language or have lost a particular meaning in current usage?
What is the theory that expounds the belief that we pass on language from group to group?
cultural transmission
What is a limited language called that assumes a shared understanding amongst the speakers?
restricted language
What is it called when we make our language style similar to those speakers around us?
What is LAD?
Language Acquisition Device
What is the term for forming new words by joining the beginning of one word to the end of another (such as 'smog' being a combination of smoke and fog).
Who is associated with the Functional Theory?
Michael Halliday
What is the belief that language reflects the thoughts and ideas of a culture?
linguistic reflectionism
Who did the Social Class study in New York in 1966 (the best year to be born) which took place outside of department stores?
William Labov
Who developed the original theory of cognitive development?
Jean Piaget
What is the term for a simple style of speech used by those who look after infants and small children (or teachers in the case of Ayana).
Who developed the random fluctuation theory?
Charles Hockett
What is the belief that the structure of a language determines the thought processes of its speakers?
linguistic determinism
What is the term used by Robert Phillipson to describe how one language (usually English in the 21st Century) dominates others?
linguistic imperalism
Who is linked with the theory of Behaviourism?
B.F. Skinner
What is the term for forming a new word from an existing word, often by adding a prefix or suffix (such as '-ness' or 'un-' to make happiness or unhappy).
What is a language referred to as if linguist trace the language family back to it (such as French and Italian being traced back to Latin)?
What is the idea that the structure of a language affects a person's view of the world in a more indirect, weaker way?
linguistic relativity
What term refers to regional forms of English and forms which are not judged to be socially acceptable?
Who expanded on the LAD theory by developing the idea of the Language Acquisition Support System (LASS)?
Jerome Bruner
What is the study of language and how it changes over long periods of time, based on the analysis of large collections of different text types.
corpus linguistics
Who wrote Language Change: Progress or Decay?
Jean Aitchison
What is a particular variety of speech used by a group which may be regarded as having a low status?
Who developed the idea of the Restricted Code and the Elaborated Code in 1971?
Basil Bernstein