Mother's body was first buried here.
Where is the cemetery of Mezquitan where the Castaneda de la Pena family had property?
The maiden name of Mother’s mother.
What is Navarro?
The first group of women joined her at the hospital in this year.
When is 1904?
You are feeling depressed and sad? That is very natural. ——————— helps very much. It is an ointment healing all the wounds of our souls.
What is reading?
A cluster of graces
During the persecution, families had to rely upon their own efforts to preserve, nurture, and pass on their Faith to their children. These were the results.
What is closed churches and empty tabernacles?
They rose up en masse to uphold the holy name of God and to witness to their belief in Jesus Christ and His Church.
Who were "Los Cristeros"?
Mother Luisita married a prominent physician at this age.
What is 15 years old?
“What a beautiful mission our good Lord has entrusted to you! He’s entrusting you with those He loves most”
What is teaching / children?
She wrote The Flower of Guadalajara.
Who is Helenita Colbert?
Situated in the state of Jalisco, Mexico, it was here that the cruelest, bloodiest battles were fought by the local people.
Where is Atotonilco el Alto?
In Mother's letters, whenever there is mention of an aunt, this code meant this.
What is Council Member?
All churches in Mexico are closed by President Calles.
What is 1926?
If the sisters had no place to lay their heads, neither did Jesus. She always said, "_____ _______ ______."
What is "God will provide" ?
Pastor of Holy Innocents who welcomed the refugee Sisters to work in his parish.
Who is Fr Ott?
Dr. Pascual Rojas and Mother Luisita built this medical facility to provide medical care for the people in their town who had none at all. The ______ _______ ___ ____ ______ ______
What is "The Little Hospital of the Sacred Heart" ?
Mother was baptized with this name. ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ _____
What is Maria Luisa de la Pena Navarro?
The Hospital of the Sacred Heart is established in Atotonilco.
What is 1892?
“Try to be, as I am praying you will be ____________.
What is content?
He was given responsibility for the resettlement of priest and religious refugees from Mexico.
Who is Fr Leroy Callahan?
After the persecution, Mother Luisita's portrait was painted here.
Where is the Municipal Building of Atotonilco?
Her body was found incorrupt.
Who was Sister Pascuala of the Blessed Sacrament?
Porfirio Diaz came into power when Mother was this age.
What is 10 years old?
This maxim required it’s translator to change the metric system to Imperial units.
What is the maxim, “Inch by inch life‘s a cinch, yard by yard life is hard”
These religious gave employment to the sisters in Moraga, near San Francisco.
Who are the Christian Brothers?