True or false August hates his picture being taken
Who starts the war against Jack
What does Via like to be called at school
Olivia Pullman
Did Julian go on the nature retreat
How does Justin write
Justin writes only in lower case letters
What did Maya give August in school
An ugly doll
Where does Jack first see August
Was Via Gran's favorite grandchild
What is Julian's last name
True or False was Justin popular in school
What is August's stuffed bear called
Why doesn't Jack sit with August on the first day of school
Jack doesn't sit with August on the first day because he was hanging out with August all day and he wanted some normal time to sit with other kids
Has long has Via known Ella and Miranda
Via has known Ella and Miranda since first grade
What are Julian's main three friends
Henry, Amos, and Miles
Does Justin wear glasses
Why does August get mad at Via and Mom at dinner
August gets mad because Via and Mom are lying to him about why he can't go to the play
What are two names people call Jack
Jack, and Jack Will
Which book was Via reading that Dad was so impressed by
War & Peace
What does Julian's Mom do to August in the year book
Julian's Mom photoshops August out of the year book and sends it to other mom's
What interment does Justin Cary around
A violin
What would Daisy do that August liked.
Daisy would sit on the edge of Auggie's bed during the night
What was the name of Jack's brother
Jamie Will
When did Via finish War & Peace
What is Julian's mom's name
Melissa Albans
What part does Justin play in Our Town
Justin plays the stage manager that plays the fiddle