What is Alainas biggest pet peeve?
What is restless people?
What is Alaina's favorite candy?
What is Reece's?
What was the top song of the year?
What is Lose yourself by Eminem?
What is Alaina's go to karaoke song?
What is Even when/The best part?
What is the worst purchase Alaina has made?
What is a memory foam mattress?
WWhat was Alaina's favorite subject in school?
What is math or history?
Who was the president?
Who is George W. Bush?
Alaina has visited how many US states?
What is around 15?
What is Alaina indecisive about?
What is the food she wants to eat for dinner?
What is Alaina's favorite cleaning task?
What is vaccuming?
What Broadway show opened in 2002?
What is Hairspray?
What is Alaina's go to drink when out?
What was Alaina's kindergarten teachers name?
Who is Mrs. Flores?
What is Alainas favorite candle smell?
What is Champagne Toast from Bath & Body Works?
Business man Elon Musk created what company in 2002?
What is SpaceX?
What hairstyle does Alaina wear when she doesn't want to wash it?
What is dutch braids?
What conspiracy theory does Alaina believe in?
What is a trick question? Alaina likes them but does not believe in them.
What is Alaina's Taco Bell order?
What is two bean burritos with no onions and no red sauce and a spicy potato soft taco with no sauce?
Who won the Nobel Peace Price?
Who is Jimmy Carter?
What was Alaina's last name supposed to be?
What is Martinez?