Primary Activities & Firesides!
Primary Teachers ROCK!!
Let's Sing!!!

Who must complete "Protecting Children and Youth" training?

Anyone that works with the youth...specific to primary... all primary presidencies, singing leaders, teachers (including substitutes), & activity leaders.


About how many primary activities should be held per month?

2 when possible.


What is the primary theme??

"All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children."


The basic resource for music in Primary

The Children's Songbook...soon to be Hymns-For Home & Church.


Where and how can you find "Protecting Children & Youth"?


Who conducts both the Temple Prep Priesthood Preview and Baptisms?

A member of the Bishopric.


What number of youth protection-trained adults must  be present when teaching children or youth at church?



How many minutes should be spent participating in singing time every week?

20 minutes


How often do you have to retake the youth protection training?

Every 3 years.


How many youth protection-trained adults must be at each activity?



How much time should teachers have to teach their lesson?

20 minutes


What about Birthday and Welcome songs???

Unfortunately, since Primary is now limited to one hour we have been asked not to include these in singing time. (However, if this is a way you minister, show love, and recognize them on their special day please limit it to a single birthday song once a month for all birthdays that month.)


How soon must someone called to serve with youth take the youth protection training?

Within 1 month.


Who can be a witness for a baptism?

Any baptized member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


A primary kiddo has to use the bathroom during primary...what do you do?

Leaders and teachers may not take children into the restroom. If a child needs assistance, a parent or family member needs to take them. For younger children, reach out to parents to see their preference between the child going alone or getting a text to come take them. Older children may go alone.


Who selects the Primary songs for each month to be used in the Primary Program?

The music leaders and the Primary Presidency.


Whose LDS Tools account must the person taking the youth protection training be logged into?

Their OWN!


What Emblems of Belonging do the children turning 8 get at the beginning of the year...or at the Great To Be 8!!

Ring with CTR shield and temple inside and a picture of the temple.


Primary teachers must be 2 deep...which dynamic duo is unfortunately not able to teach primary?

Husband and Wife

Woman and Her Teenage Daughter

Two Men

Woman and Her Teenage Daughter. The youth are AWESOME but can not count towards the 2 deep youth-protected trained leadership required.


If you are wanting to sing a song in primary that is outside of the music in the Children's Songbook, Hymnbook, or has not yet been oficially published by the church in the Friend etc. who must pre-approve it?

The Bishopric.