JBER is located in what city?
What is Anchorage?
What is the largest species of animal in Alaska?
What is the Alaskan Moose?
Where does Santa Claus live? (Hint: we visited his christmas factory)
What is the North Pole?
Whats the largest U.S. State
What is Alaska?
Fall asleep in their chair... comfy
Who is Papa?
What is the name of the indoor playground that feature mini golf, rock climbing, and an exercise room on base?
What is Arctic Oasis?
This white animal typically weighs 600-1700 lbs?
What is Polar bears?
Where is the Reindeer farm located? Antlers on our heads and all!
What is Palmer?
Where were the biggest candy bars when we tricker treated?
What is Birch Hill?
Put on fuzzy socks right after work
Who is Mom (christine)?
This is the name of the plane your dad typically flies
What is a C-17?
This animal is known for climbing and looks like an angry sheep
This alliterative named city is where we played hockey
What is Homer?
When did Alaska become a U.S. State?
What is 1959?
Catch a halibut bigger than him?
Who is Xander?
This is the name of your mom's hospital
We eat this fish a lot (no seriously its delicious)
Choo Choo! This train ride took us to this city
What is ?
What is the name of the most famous native population of alaska?
What is the Denali?
Take care of boo-boo's and cook the best lasagna in the world?
Who is Nonna?
What type of art piece did your aunt catty help move from to the library? Smart thinking!
What is a Mural?
Which animal has the highest population in Alaska?
What is Caribou?
What is the capitol of alaska?
what is Juneau
Woof Woof! This is a famous dog sled trail that yall visited
what is Iditarod?
Be the life of the party! (and watch the Muppets)
Who is Catty :)?