Tobacco and Vapes: Why It's Bad
Red Ribbon Week
Gateway Drugs
Patriotic Topics
Basic Land Navigation

 This addictive substance found in both cigarettes and vapes makes it difficult for users to quit.

What is nicotine?


This event, held every October, encourages kids to say no to drugs.

What is Red Ribbon Week?


This is the most commonly used legal gateway drug that can lead to other substance use.

What is alcohol?


This song, written by Francis Scott Key, became the United States national anthem.

 What is "The Star-Spangled Banner"?


On a topographic map, these lines show elevation and the shape of the land by connecting points of equal height.

What are contour lines?


Smoking or vaping damages this organ, reducing your ability to breathe properly over time.

What are the lungs?


Red Ribbon Week started in honor of this DEA agent who was killed in the line of duty.

Who is Enrique "Kiki" Camarena?


These devices, often used by teens, heat a liquid to create a vapor that is inhaled.

What are vapes?


We place our hand over our heart when reciting this patriotic promise.

What is the Pledge of Allegiance?


A high point of land that rises sharply from the surrounding terrain and is marked by concentric circles on a topographic map is called this.

What is a hill?


Long-term tobacco use can lead to this life-threatening disease that affects millions worldwide.

What is cancer?


The main symbol of Red Ribbon Week is this color ribbon.

What is red?


This gateway drug, once thought of as harmless, can be smoked, eaten, or vaped.

What is marijuana?


Veterans Day, honoring those who served in the military, is celebrated on this date.

What is November 11?


This feature, represented by V-shaped contour lines pointing uphill, indicates a low area between two high points.

What is a valley?


Vaping can lead to this condition, where lungs become damaged, often referred to as "popcorn lung.

What is bronchiolitis obliterans?


The first Red Ribbon Week was celebrated in this year.

What is 1988?


Over-the-counter medications, when abused, can be just as dangerous as these drugs.

What are illegal drugs?


Memorial Day, a holiday honoring fallen military members, is observed on this day each year.

What is the last Monday in May?


These features, which are closely spaced contour lines on a topographic map, represent areas with very steep slopes.

 What are cliffs?


Chemicals in tobacco and vape products weaken this system, making it harder for your body to fight infections.

What is the immune system?


 Red Ribbon Week promotes living this kind of lifestyle.

What is drug-free?


This type of product, made from tobacco, is often the first substance tried by young people.

What are cigarettes?


This iconic American symbol represents freedom and was gifted to the United States by France.

What is the Statue of Liberty?


A U-shaped area between two hills, often indicated by widely spaced contour lines, is called this on a topographic map.

What is a saddle?