Who has the most grammy awards?
What is the process where plants produce oxygen?
What is the slowest olympic swimming stroke?
How many bones in the body?
What is the best beer in QLD
Who is the most followed celebrity on Instagram?
Ariana Grande
What common Australian plant has a yellow flower and has been linked to national pride?
How big does a wave need to be to be considered a big wave in surfing?
20 feet
What is the largest and strongest muscle in the body?
Gluteus Maximus
What is the only word in the dictionary that ends in 'mt'
What actor won a BAFTA, Academy award, Grammy award & a Golden Globe in the same year?
Lady Gaga
What Australian native plant is adapted to survive wildfires and produces strikingly colorful flowers, often referred to as the floral emblem of Western Australia?
Kangaroo Paw
What depth is considered too deep for snorkellers and is then called scuba diving?
12 feet
How much blood does the heart pump per minute?
5 litres
Which national anthem has no words?
Which celebiry build an eco friendly luxury resort?
Leonardo Di Caprio
Snake plant
What is the biggest wave ever surfed?
86 feet
Clavicle (Collarbone)
What is the most commonly stolen food in the world?
Which celebrity has a very high fee for private performances causing Jennifer Lopez to rethink due to the cost
Bruno Mars
_____ is loved for its lush, tropical aesthetic. It features broad, wavy-edged fronds that emerge from a central rosette. What plant is this?
Birds nest
What are the 3 types of surf breaks?
What muscle is dome shaped and flattens when being used? It aids in primary bodily function
What are the 2 countries that are completely engulfed by another country?
Vatican city
San Marino