Does a black shirt have a higher or a lower Albedo?
Why does the Moon get very hot during daytime?
It has a thin atmosphere
Light reflected from the earth onto the moon
What is albedo a measure of?
What color of roof is best for us?
White/Lighter colors
What causes the darkened area of the Moon to be visible during a crescent phase?
What is the average Albedo of earth?
What is the Albedo of a perfect mirror?
Why should we wear lighter colors in the summer?
Because wearing black clothing makes you more hot
What is the albedo of the moon?
Who first explained the phenomenon of EarthShine?
Leonardo da Vinci
What is the range of albedo values?
0 to 1
Why could wearing black in the winter potentially be better then wearing white?
Because light/heat has a chance be absorbed into your clothing
How does the albedo of Earth compare to that of the moon?
Earth has a higher albedo
How many times larger does Earth appear from the Moon compared to the Moon from Earth?
16 times
What did Leonardo da Vinci contribute to the understanding of albedo?
He illustrated how sunlight reflects off the moon
Why are darker-skinned individuals less susceptible to sunburn?
They have more melanin
Which celestial body has an albedo of nearly zero?
The moon
How much more reflective is Earth compared to the Moon?
2-3 times
In which century did Leonardo da Vinci explain Earthshine?
The 16th century