School Rules
Middle School Staff

Please put a comma in the right place:

I like to eat lots of apples but banana cream pie is my favorite dessert.

I like to eat lots of apples, but banana cream pie is my favorite dessert.


This is the county in which the town of Alburgh is in

What is Grand Isle County?


This white, chewy substance was banned from all middle school classrooms

What is gum?


This is the youngest staff member of Alburgh Middle School

Who is Mr. Coffman?


What class did Mr. Ruch teach two years ago?

What is Math?

This is what you put around a quote from a text or to show when someone is speaking in a story

What are quotation marks? ("")


This is the population of Alburgh, VT (within 200)

What is 2,106? (as of 2020)

Whether it's called a fedora, a bowler, or a Stetson, this item should be removed before entering the school

What is a hat?


This staff member can sometimes be found driving a motorcycle to work

Who is Ms. Kristy?


This universe of books, considered the first epic fantasy of all time, was the origin of the small but intelligent creature known as a Hobbit

What is Lord of the Rings?


This is the type of story that is made up and is not true. 

What is fiction or fictional?


This was the official spelling of Alburgh from the years of 1891-2006

What is Alburg?

A version of this item, which is not allowed in Middle School, was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell
What is the telephone?

This staff member is from North Carolina

Who is Jonas?


This form of figurative language is when you compare something using the words 'like' or 'as' 

What is a simile?


Instead of paragraphs, this is what a poem is divided up into

What are stanzas?


This was the year Alburgh was officially charted as a town in the United States of America

What is 1781?


William Stanley Jr. was the inventor of the first pure steel version of this item in 1913, which all middle schoolers should be bringing with them to school?

What is a water bottle? (William Stanley Jr was the inventor of the Stanley!)


This staff member used to live in Mississippi.

Who is Mr. Crawford?


This is what you would use if you needed to get a stain out of white clothing or rags. It can be also used as a way to purify water in very small amounts and only in emergencies. Do not drink it raw, however, as it is very poisonous by itself.

What is bleach? 


Add the semi-colon correctly in the sentence:

Despite the rain, the festival continued as planned the performers delivered their acts with enthusiasm, unbothered by the weather.

Despite the rain, the festival continued as planned; the performers delivered their acts with enthusiasm, unbothered by the weather.


This man, who the town is named after, is thought of as the founder of Alburgh, and paid for the original charter

Who is Ira Allen?


This notebook type got its name from the pattern displayed on the front. Invented in the 1800s in France, it was the result of hard paper being dipped into ripples of dye, resulting in a fake marbled look. Every student received one of these notebooks at the start of the year. (No peeking)

What is a composition notebook?


The names of this staff member's immediate family all begin with the same letter

Who is Mr. Martin?


This word means when something is very easily caught on fire

What is inflammable?