long term effects of all alcohol use
short term effects of all alcohol use
why is alcohol harmful
alcoholism and alcohol abuse
getting help for alcohol abuse

what is something long term alcohol use can lead to?

high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems  


short term affects what?

people with alcohol or drug abuse


what is depressants?

depressants are drugs that slow down the body's functions and reactions. 


what is addiction?

this is a physical or physcholigical need for a drug.


what is relapse?

it is a return to the use of a drug after attempting to stop. 


what is cirrhosis?

this is disease characterized by scaring and eventual destruction of the liver.  


what is intoxication?

intoxication is a persons mental and physical abilities have been impaired by alcohol. 


what are reasons how alcohol can be harmful?

because alcohol  got chemical diseases in it and can highly risk you to get in a wreck or have an overdose


stages of alcoholism?

stage 1. a gradual increase in tolerance, stage 2. making excuses for drinking, stage 3. trouble with money, work, and law, stage 4. faulty thinking hallucinations. 


what can you do to find help?

you can see a specialist, do things that keep your mind off drinking, drink water and pop, or drink flavored waters


long term effects the brain by?

 it can effect problems with logic, speech difficulties, and  trouble understanding others or talking


how does alcohol affect the individual?

it affects High blood pressure, heart disease,  stroke, and liver disease, and digestive problems.


why do some teens drink alcohol?

because they think there cool, or that it will help them with problems.

what are common symptoms ?

drinking alone, making excuses to drink, confusion, and shaking in the morning.


The best ways to help with having alcohol abuse is?

group therapy, individual counseling, trauma therapy, and family therapy


how does long term effect the liver?

it effects the liver because fatty liver can develop by when fat builds up in the liver.


blood and alcohol content  is?

a measure of the amount of alcohol present in a persons blood.


how does alcohol impact a mother while they drink while pregnant?

it effects the baby because they could get after affects from the alcohol or they could grow up to be alcoholics.


how can this cost to your family?

because sometimes your family might say how you just need to stop drinking or how they don't believe the drinker has a problem?


what are steps along the road?

admission, counseling, detoxification, and resolution. 


what could happen while driving while intoxicated?

you could cause your own death, or get pulled over and haft to get drug tested and haft to go to jail, or you could get your license take away.