What is amount of alcohol in the bloodstream?
What is blood alcohol content?
blood alcohol content
The feeling that the room is spinning.
Effect on the brain
damaged brain cells
Drinking and doing what the rest of your peers are doing.
fitting in or peer pressure
the weight of a person
body weight
What are the 2 types of of alcohol?
Ethanol and Methanol
The act of the stomach emptying its contencts.
What is cirrhosis?
alcohol related disease that affects the liver.
Media influences to get youth to drink.
If your a boy or girl
After you drink it, alcohol is absorbed through the walls of the stomach and intestines, directly into the blood stream. The alcohol then travels through the blood to the brain.
happens when you drink alcohol
The damage to physical health caused by drinking too much alcohol.
alcohol poisoning
disease in which a person is physically and emotionally addicted to alcohol
Wondering what alcohol taste like and feels like once drank.
contents of your stomach
the amount of food in your stomach
Alcohol is a.......
The effects of too much alcohol consumption the next day with various levels of discomfort.
A pattern of drinking that results in one or more well-defined behaviors within a 12 month period.
alcohol abuse
mental state that includes sad thoughts about self and life for a long amount of time.
The amount of liquor you can handle
alcohol tolerance
What are the 4 types of alcoholic beverages?
the 4 types of alcoholic beverages
A physiological state that occurs when a person has a high level of ethanol in his/her blood?
A baby born from a mother who drinks during pregnancy causing harm such as mental retardation, organ abnormalities, and learning and behavioral problems
fetal alcohol syndrome
Drinking to handle reality
dealing with personal issues
Time and amount of drinking
the rate and amount of alcohol you drink